This film, directed by Olympian Sir Matthew Pinsent, shows his victory at the 2012 Olympic Games in London, where Chad stunned the sports world. He triumphed over favorite Michael Phelps in the men’s 200 meter butterfly race, thus winning the gold medal. Bert, his father, is his best friend and mentor and his emotional response to him winning went viral all over the world.
This compelling documentary told Chad Le Clos’ story prior to the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio, where he would go head-to-head with Michael Phelps again to defend his title. At the same time, his personal life was far from glamorous, especially since both of his parents were fighting cancer: Bert was battling prostate cancer, and Chad’s mother, Geraldine, was fighting breast cancer for the second time.
The Verdict
Overall, Unbelievable is a captivating and heartwarming sports documentary. While adversity may cause some men to break, others triumph in such moments. Chad Le Clos was in the latter category. He truly possessed the heart of a champion and made people want to root for him. He is the epitome of strength, perseverance, and resilience.
Sir Matthew Pinsent did a solid job with the film’s direction. He showcased Le Clos’ indomitable spirit, as well as his tremendous commitment to claim yet another Olympic gold medal victory. Unbelievable is filled with raw emotions, and it garners five out of five stars.
To learn more about South African swimmer Chad Le Clos, check out his official website, and follow him on Facebook and on Twitter.
Read More: Digital Journal’s Markos Papadatos chatted with Chad Le Clos back in February of 2020.