Tommy DeVito, the quarterback of the New York Giants, chatted about his latest endeavors, his daily motivations, and his love for the sport.
The late U.S. Army general and former Secretary of State Colin Powell once said: “A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.”
An individual who embodies this quote by Powell is NFL player Tommy DeVito.
Tommy DeVito: Quarterback of the New York Giants
On being a part of the New York Giants, DeVito said, “It feels awesome.”
“It is like a childhood dream come true,” he said. “Even though I wasn’t a Giants fan growing up, I would live so close that I would go the games, and I would be a fan in that regard. To be able to do it this close to home, in my backyard, just makes it that much more special.”
“For this to be the first job that I’ve ever had is totally surreal,” he acknowledged.
A native of Livingston, New Jersey, DeVito is drawn to the sport due to its “competitiveness” and because it affords teams “the chance to win.” “I’ve given everything I’ve ever had to this ever since I was a little kid. There is no Plan B for me,” he admitted.
“It has been working out for the time being and hopefully, we can keep it going for as long as possible,” he added.
Daily inspirations
On his daily inspirations as an individual and as an athlete, DeVito said, “Pushing myself to my fullest potential. When I am all said and done one day, and I am done with the game, being able to look back and say, ‘I gave it everything I have’ and that I have no regrets with it. Also, being able to make a living off of it for the time being.”
“I am also inspired by pushing myself to my fullest potential and pushing myself as far as I possibly can,” he added.
For DeVito, family is of utmost importance in life. “Family is everything,” he admitted.
Lesson learned from playing football: Resilience
On the lessons learned from the sport and his journey in the sport, he reflected, “Football has taught me a lot about being resilient. The game is a very violent one: I’ve dealt with injuries, and I’ve dealt with just about everything that you can deal with in playing the game, both the positives and the negatives.”
“It has taught me to stay true to myself, trusting myself in the process, my family, my circle, my coaches, and everything around me,” he said.
“That’s the thing about football… there is so much adversity that goes on in the game that it teaches so many life lessons beyond just playing with a football,” he elaborated.
Reflecting over the last five years of his athletic journey
If he were to lookback in a rearview mirror over the last five years, he observed, “Looking back over the last five years, I see a lot of adversity, a lot of smiles, a lot of happiness, as well as some negatives (such as injuries) that did come with that.”
“All of that was worth it to get to this point to be able to do what I do now, which is to play in a national football league, and for this to be my first job. I know that it won’t be my last,” he explained.
“Those adverse moments help mold me into who I am today. Not everybody’s path is straight, people come from all walks of life. There is always something that happens in somebody’s life,” he said.
“For me, that has definitely helped build who I am today, and it will continue help me be a better person, teammate, brother, and man moving forward,” he acknowledged.
Future plans
On his future plans and goals, DeVito said, “I would like to play this game for as long as I can and enjoy it like I’ve been trying to this whole time. That is something that I try to bring to the team.”
“It’s a blessing to be where I am and the situation that I am in. Not everybody can get to say that they play in a national football league,” he said.
“It’s a very small percentage for players to play, and it’s not for long; everybody knows that. Just enjoy the sport and be present,” he noted.
“I try to play it like I’m five years old, like I’m that kid playing football in the backyard,” he added.
The digital age
On being a football player in the digital age, DeVito said, “It’s crazy. There are a lot of good and a lot of bad. The positives of it are that you get to be on a platform where you get to have a bigger voice than you’ve had before.”
“A lot of people listen to you and your posts, especially with the youth and the underage kids watching everything that you do. You are able to reach more people,” he said.
“On the flip side of it, some fans might get a little crazy, and a lot of people have a lot of things to say, and a lot of people have a platform to speak on, so there is some good and some bad with it all,” he added.
DeVito’s advice for young and aspiring athletes: Be authentic and be passionate
For young and aspiring football players, DeVito encouraged them “to continue doing what they love.”
“When I was in high school, I envisioned myself doing the same thing that I am doing now,” he admitted.
“I’ve always envisioned playing for the NFL; that has been my dream ever since I was a kid. I always truly believed that this is where I was going to be, and here we are,” he exclaimed.
“Be that little kid that plays in the backyard all the time whether it’s on a football field or any sporting event. Just continue to enjoy it and be passionate about it. That is what has made the biggest difference for me… Being myself and being that little kid,” he said.
“I try to keep that passion with me always. From when I was that young age, I had a passion and love for the sport and that is what has helped brought it to be my job as it is right now,” he added.
“So, stay yourself and stay true to who you are. Listen to your parents and everybody in your circle, they only want what’s best for you. Keep your head down, grind, and enjoy it,” he underscored.
Favorite mottos to live by
On his favorite mottos to live by, he shared, “Rule No. 1 is don’t panic. That is my lifelong rule. Enjoy it and be where your feet are. That’s the biggest thing.”
“Just be where your feet are and enjoy the moment,” he stressed. “Stay grounded, enjoy the moment, and live in the moment.”
The greatest advice that he has ever been given
“The best advice that I’ve ever been given is to ‘be you’ because you are more than enough,” he revealed. “You are here for a reason; don’t try to do too much and don’t try to be anything that you are not. Just be yourself and be you.”
Career-defining moments
When asked about his career-defining moments, DeVito remarked, “Definitely that two-minute drill at the end of the Green Bay Packers game and being able to help earn the necessary points for my team to win the game. That has been one of the bigger moments in my career so far.”
Key to longevity in sports
DeVito feels that the key to longevity in sports, football in particular, is to “stay healthy and to stay injury free.”
“That’s the hardest thing, especially with how violent this sport is,” he noted. “Being available is the best thing that you can be, and that’s how you stay around for a long time.”
“Take care of your body and your nutrition. Don’t want until something happens. Try to stay ahead of the curve because at some point, you are going to get bumps and bruises and all,” he said.
“Try to just ensure that there is a less likelihood of that happening or for it to be less severe,” he added.
Stage of his life
“The best thing about being my age is continuing to be able to learn and grow,” he said. “I want to continue to be a better person.”
On the title of the current chapter of his life, DeVito revealed, “Relaxed but still keeping work in mind.”
“Right now, I am down in Florida enjoying the weather… this is what I’m trying to do in my off-season,” he said.
“I’m taking some steps back from football. I’m relaxing a bit, but I still wake up in the morning and do my training but the rest of the day, I give it to myself,” he added.
Sean Stellato
DeVito praised his sports agent Sean Stellato for being “awesome.” “Sean is the same guy when I met him years and years ago when I was in Syracuse,” he said.
“Sean has always talked like that, and he always dressed like that. I’m trying to tell people that this is not a façade. When I first met Sean, he wore a Fedora and that whole crazy suit back then. That’s how he has always been,” he noted.
“Sean is a very hard worker, which is why he is my agent,” he said. “Sean puts all his players first, and he really takes care of me and my family.”
This past December, Stellato was inducted into the National Italian American Sports Hall of Fame. “That was well-deserved big time,” DeVito admitted. “I’ve really embraced that part of my culture because they’ve embraced me over the last few months.”
Two new trademarks
DeVito has filed two new trademarks for “Tommy Cutlets” and “Passing Paisano” respectively. “That was good. It was a smart business decision, and I had to get it all under control,” he said. “I finally got those copyrighted, and it was a lot of fun.”
Pre-game rituals
As part of his pre-game rituals, DeVito shared that he enjoys “watching cartoons.” “In general, the night before or the day of a game, I am always watching cartoons. That’s my thing,” he said.
On his definition of the word success, he stated, “Success means something different to everybody.”
“For me, it goes to how many people’s lives I am able to change, especially the young kids that come up to me that do the little hand signals and the smiles that I see on their faces. All of that is me being successful,” he elaborated.
“Success, to me, is being able to use my platform with the God-given ability that I have and being able to maximize it and give back to everyone around me,” he added.
Fans and supporters
For his fans and supporters, DeVito expressed, “I appreciate every single person that has supported me and my family, as well as anybody who has ever bought a ‘Tommy Cutlet’s shirt or jersey.”
“I appreciate all of them continuing to be there for me, and hopefully, there will be a lot more games and cheers ahead,” he said, effusively.
American track and field icon Steve Prefontaine once said: “To give anything less than your best, is to sacrifice the gift.” This quote sums up the drive and passion of Tommy DeVito.
To learn more about American football player Tommy DeVito, follow him on Instagram.