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TopFinds: The buzz over Cliven Bundy, a prof’s hunger strike

As we do every week, we’ve collected the top news stories and compiled them on one page. Digital Journalists reported on important U.S. news, the latest arts features, insight into scientific discoveries and much more.

We also highlight some of the major topics Digital Journalists have been covering recently. Note you can see the trending topics at the top of any page on our news network, in the black bar.

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Top Digital Journal Reports

Former trainers decry possible orca pregnancy at SeaWorld (Includes interview) by Elizabeth Batt

A newly-released YouTube video caused a stir over the weekend after it showed SeaWorld staff performing an ultrasound on an allegedly pregnant young female orca in San Diego.

‘Doc of the Dead’ rises to the occasion by Sarah Gopaul

‘Doc of the Dead’ explores zombie culture through interviews with some of the movement’s most notable contributors and fans.

U.S. professor preparing to engage in hunger strike ‘until death’ (Includes interview) by Justin King

Activists are rallying around a California man who will begin a hunger strike on May 13th in the hopes of forcing the government to begin dialogue about police brutality, releasing political prisoners, and its treatment of immigrants.

Review: Jessie James Decker stuns on new ‘Comin’ Home’ EP (Includes first-hand account) by Markos Papadatos

Singer-songwriter and television star Jessie James Decker released her newest six-track EP, “Comin’ Home,” independently, on April 18.

Singer Jessie James Decker

Singer Jessie James Decker
Courtesy of Jessie James Decker

Bill proposed by GOP may slash science funding (Includes interview) by Megan Hamilton

The House Science, Space and Technology committee is proposing massive cuts to the National Science Foundation and this has science advocates worried.

Top Images

Donkey at Willows Farm

Donkey at Willows Farm

Statue at Jeffrey Leder Gallery - WHITEWASH

Statue at Jeffrey Leder Gallery – WHITEWASH

 The new location is closer to the Square but I do not have as much wall-space as I had at the old l...

“The new location is closer to the Square but I do not have as much wall-space as I had at the old location,” lamented Frame Factory owner, John Emil Brians. Yet, he did say, “I am in good company with all the artists that share this building with me. The Frame Factory is housed in the La Haye Art Center, which provides studio space for several artists in town.

In the Media

Op-Ed: Will SWAT teams arrest bankers who owe $3 trillion for bailouts? by Ralph Lopez

As the passions around the Cliven Bundy situation in Nevada swirl and kick into warp drive, the battle to define the real issues rages on.

Turkey may leave World Wide Web says Communication Minister by Paul Iddon

Turkey’s Minister of Transport, Maritime and Communication Lüfti Elvan says Turkey may establish a national ‘ttt’ protocol instead of the regularly used ‘www’.

Costa Concordia Captain Schettino’s trial hears damning evidence by Marcus Hondro

The head of the Costa Cruises crisis unit, Roberto Ferrarini, was on the witness stand last week in the trial of Francesco Schettino, the captain of the tragic Costa Concordia. His evidence is the latest to suggest Mr. Schettino has lied about his role.

Police: Florida dad killed his crying baby so he could play Xbox by Arthur Weinreb

According to sheriff’s deputies, a 24-year-old father suffocated his one-year-old son because the baby’s crying was interfering with his ability to play video games.

South Korea ferry captain defends actions, bodies seen in ship by AFP

Divers began to locate bodies Saturday inside a submerged South Korean ferry as the detained captain defended his decision to delay…

Relatives of missing passengers visit the site of the sunken South Korean ferry 'Sewol' at...

Relatives of missing passengers visit the site of the sunken South Korean ferry 'Sewol' at sea off Jindo on April 24, 2014
Jung Yeon-Je, AFP

Multiple sources confirm SeaWorld’s Kalia is pregnant by Elizabeth Batt

Several sources from within SeaWorld have now confirmed to Digital Journal that nine-year-old killer whale Kalia is pregnant.

How to deal with the most common allergy problems by Tim Sandle

A leading doctor has said that around 55 percent of people suffer from allergies. Most people are allergic to something, such as pollen, dander, dairy products, gluten, and mold. Digital Journal caught up with the medic to find out more.

United States is no longer home to world’s richest middle class by Brett Wilkins

The US middle class, long a symbol of the nation’s economic might and proof that the “American Dream” was more than just a dream, is no longer the world’s wealthiest.

New ‘natural antidepressant’ reported by Tim Sandle

A substance, called neuritin, has been heralded as a natural antidepressant. The substance is found in the brain and it has a role in nerve transmission.

84 Christian schoolgirls kidnapped by Jihadists still missing by Justin King

The search for the schoolgirls kidnapped by the Boko Haram continues in the remote and rugged terrain controlled by the insurgent group. Some family members have armed themselves and joined the search, but most fight with the weapons of prayer and fasts.

Op-Ed: ALEC and the Koch brothers fight solar energy with surcharges by Justin King

Citizens across the U.S. are attempting to break free of the fossil fuel industry and do what state and federal governments are unwilling to do by installing solar panels. They now face a backlash from politicians and the energy companies they back.

First generation Gameboy by Nintendo

First generation Gameboy by Nintendo
Nintendo / William Warby

Nintendo’s Game Boy turns 25 by W. Mark Dendy

Twenty-five years ago, Nintendo premiered the first Game Boy – a palmed handheld game machine which included the game Tetris.

Halifax teen charged with threatening Rahtaeh Parsons’ father by Arthur Weinreb

One of the two teens who face child pornography charges in relation to Rahtaeh Parsons, the 17-year-old who committed suicide after pictures of her allegedly being sexually assaulted were circulated, is now charged with threatening to kill her father.

2014 NBA Mock Draft: Boston Celtics best first round options by Larry Seely

Boston Celtics GM Danny Ainge has some work to do this summer to get the storied franchise back into a regular NBA Championship contender, but with two picks in the first round of the upcoming draft, he has the resources to make a quick turnaround.

Power Users

  1. Tim Sandle
  2. W. Mark Dendy
  3. Marcus Hondro
  4. Markos Papadatos
  5. Justin King
  6. Larry Seely
  7. Can Tran
  8. Ken Hanly
  9. Nathan Salant
  10. Arthur Weinreb
  11. Steve K
  12. Paul Iddon
  13. Karen Graham
  14. Larry Clifton
  15. Paula Kirman
  16. Mathew Wace Peck
  17. Brett Wilkins
  18. Anne Sewell
  19. Gene Kosowan
  20. Martin Laine
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