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TopFinds: Swine Flu Returns, Bikini Baristas Debut

The H1N1 virus rears its ugly head once again. The U.S. debates introducing universal health care. Why are businesses opting out of installing Windows 7? These are the top stories gathering buzz around the world.

Digital Journalists were hard at work, reporting on the news from the ground. Whether it was an article on political rallies or the South African military or Microsoft’s Office 2010, these determined reporters were hungry to cull the facts in person and interview intriguing subjects.

Carolyn E. Price documented the rally to “bring Omar Khadr home,” an issue surging across Canada. Khadr continues to be an imprisoned Guantanamo Bay detainee. As Price wrote about the Toronto rally, “supporters unfurled a banner that symbolically depicted the number of days that Mr. Khadr has been held at the US navel base in Cuba, 2,545 tics representing each day.” The photos in this article also bring the rally to life.

Demonstrators protesting Gitmo

Protesters with a banner that reads, “Bring Omar Khadr Back to Canada.”
Joshua Sherurcij

The South African National Defence Force was the subject of Christopher Szabo‘s fascinating probe into a report that found the SANDF’s future flawed and misguided. He interviewed several admirals with the Navy to find out their reactions to this explosive news. A great read for anyone interested in military affairs…and intrepid on-the-ground reporting.

Always looking for a solid interview, Michael Cosgrove published a thorough article on news about Air Flight 447 which crashed June 1. He discovered how the paper Le Figaro lobbed some allegations to a law firm that it claims is reaching out to victims so they can seek compensation. Cosgrove followed sound journalistic practise and contacted the law firm in question and found out those lawyers plan to sue Le Figaro for slander. Great work, Michael!

It’s always enlightening to read a Khalid Magram article. He enjoys attending thought-provoking events, and his piece on mental health was no exception. He wrote about a Toronto roundtable discussing various mental health strategies, and how community services can work well with government-tailored services. Another fine original report, Khalid.

Black Creek Historical Village hosts

Black Creek Historical Village hosts
KJ Mullins

Another Digital Journalist looking for in-person interviews is KJ Mullins, who recently visited Black Creek Pioneer Village outside Toronto. She offered readers two stories, one on the mock-up 19th-century village itself and another on the new brewery they established. Both are heavy on photos, and definitely worth a look when you have time. Reading about bygone eras can act as a history lesson to teach us about the present.

If you like your Word, Excel and PowerPoint, find out the latest incarnations of these PC mainstays in Brenton Currie‘s hands-on review of Microsoft Office 2010. Using accessible language and screenshots, Currie dissects the pros and cons of each program within Office 2010. Read the review to find out why Microsoft seems “to be on the right track.”

Many other stories are popular on, including:

Young man dies of H1N1 flu with no underlying health conditions: Just when you thought it was over, the swine flu virus rears its malignant head once again. A young man in Indiana collapsed and died from the swine flu virus, doctor believe, even though he had no underlying illness. Also, swine flu is rampant in several summer camps in Ontario, and it’s now “established” in South Africa.

White House, Congress set to push universal health care bill: Speaking of health, the White House is set to push through a controversial universal health care bill. The plan, costing $1.5 trillion over the next 10 years, would make health care a right for all Americans. Digital Journalist Matthew Moran added some more details about the bill: “The plan will require every employer and all individuals to seek health insurance or face penalties. It would also call for a new tax on those making more than $1 million per year.”

Plane crash in Northern Iran

A screen shot from Press TV, the Iranian official English-language satellite television network, shows debris from a plane crash on Wednesday. All 168 passengers are reported dead.
Courtesy Press TV

168 dead after plane crashes in Iran: A tragic story unfolded in Iran, where a packed passenger plane crashed shortly after take-off. All 168 people on board are dead, news agencies reported. A poignant fact: the BBC says Iran’s civil and military fleets are both “in poor condition due to their age and lack of maintenance”.

ACLU Defends Gun Rights in New Orleans: It almost sounds like a satirical headline from The Onion, but Carol Forsloff’s article explains why the left-wing ACLU is in the corner of a New Orleans man requesting the return of his firearm from the district attorney’s office. If you follow stories relating to the Second Amendment, this story is for you.

Soldier refuses to serve, cites Obama’s lack of U.S. citizenship: “A U.S. soldier refuses to deploy to Afghanistan, saying that President Obama cannot be Commander in Chief since he is not a U.S. citizen.” So begin an explosive story making headline across the world. Michael Krebs alerted us to this issue, which once again reopens the debate about Obama’s citizenship.

Saudi Arabian Family Sues Genie For Alleged Harassment: In the WTF category, M Dee Dubroff explained why a Saudi family is suing a genie (yes, a genie) for alleged theft and harassment. The article is too quirky to spill the bean here, but let’s just say this is no I Dream of Jennie episode.

Survey: Many businesses plan to skip Windows 7: Poor Microsoft. For all the effort it’s putting into publicizing its new operating system, unflattering news continue to make waves. This article about businesses opting out of Windows 7 deserves a read, if only to find out why the poor economic climate is shifting public opinion away from latching onto Windows 7.

One person killed and nine injured in Madonna stage accident: Who said working in the arts was safe? A 53-year-old French national died, and several others were injured, when the stage setup for a Madonna concert in Marseilles, France, suddenly collapsed. The concert was quickly cancelled and the reason for the accident is still unknown.


Bikini Themed Coffee Shop Opens With A ‘Splash’: Yes, you read that headline right — a Georgia coffee shop filled with bikini-clad employees is turning heads for its unique slant. One barista even had dollar bills stuffed into her bikini top, but she claimed it wasn’t harassment. To each her own, right?

TopFinds Awards

The honourees of this week’s TopFinds Awards attracted impressive attention and widest readership. Digital Journal thanks the following Digital Journalists with Awards for their passion for covering the top issues of the day: M Dee Dubroff, Brenton Currie, Chris Dade, Bob Ewing, Khalid Magram, Carolyn E. Price, Michael Krebs, Andrew Moran, Michael Cosgrove, Matthew Moran,KJ Mullins, Mark Kersten, Christopher Szabo, and Carol Forsloff.

The Top Blog Post of the Week is awarded to skeptikool for a funny and intriguing blog post from a Bristol paper. He related the story of a parking lot attendant making off with 3.3 million pounds. Now that’s a scam for the ages!

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