As we do every week, we’ve collected the top news stories and compiled them on one page. Digital Journalists this week reported on U.S. politics, health news and even a “miracle.”
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SeaWorld put on notice by orca scientist (Includes interview) by Elizabeth Batt
A leading orca scientist is challenging SeaWorld over the erroneous use of a self-authored paper describing dorsal fin collapse in wild killer whales.
Video: Malka Marom, author of ‘Joni Mitchell in Her Own Words’ (Includes interview and first-hand account) by AR Vasquez
Malka Marom’s latest book “Joni Mitchell – In Her Own Words” details the intimate interviews she had with Canadian painter/songwriter and artist Joni Mitchell over the decades.
Fifth Harmony talks music, fans, award wins and New York shows (Includes interview) by Markos Papadatos
Normani Kordei and Lauren Jauregui from the pop quintet Fifth Harmony chatted about their upcoming tour stops in New York and they discussed their musical career.
Demo planned on Saturday for Marineland’s lonely killer whale (Includes interview) by Elizabeth Batt
A solitary orca in her 37th year of captivity will gain a voice this weekend. Cetacean advocacy groups and their supporters, are planning to protest for Kiska, a 42-year-old Icelandic whale captured in 1977 and housed at Marineland in Canada.
Review: The Monkees rock The Paramount in Huntington, New York (Includes first-hand account) by Markos Papadatos
“Hey, Hey, it’s The Monkees.” On May 25, the iconic rock group The Monkees played a show at The Paramount in Huntington, Long Island.
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In the Media
Typical heroin user in America is a white woman in the suburbs by Owen Weldon
Fifty years ago researchers reported that the average first-time heroin user is a 16-year-old of color, but now a study says that a typical user is more likely a 23-year-old white woman from the suburbs.
Deer jumps or falls from Chicago overpass into car on interstate by Marcus Hondro
Heidi Conner, with her four kids in her van, was zipping along the Chicago interstate near Barrington at over 70 mph when out of nowhere, a deer came crashing through her car window. It landed right beside her.
Bush terror czar Richard Clarke: Bush, Cheney are war criminals by Brett Wilkins
The nation’s former top counter-terrorism official has accused George W. Bush of “war crimes” for launching the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
Iraq vet turned away at VA hospital dies in gunfight with police by Owen Weldon
Issac Sims, from Kansas City, served two tours in the U.S. Army’s 82nd Airborne Division. He died in a gunfight with police on Sunday.
Elderly in China killing themselves to get buried before deadline by Karen Graham
It’s being reported that in Anhui province, China, dozens of elderly people have been committing suicide in order to beat a ban on burials that goes into affect on June 1, 2014. After that date, authorities say the only alternative left is cremation.
Review: Season 2 of Ricky Gervais’s ‘Derek’ airs on Netflix May 30 by Mindy Peterman
In “Derek”, Ricky Gervais proves he can write and portray a character who is simple yet likable and is in no way brash or mean-spirited like many of his creations who have come before.
Wildland fire in Mariposa County at 300 acres and growing by Gar Swaffar
Last year the Rim Fire in Tuolumne & Mariposa Counties created havoc. This year has seen an early start, and the first fire to cause concern is the ‘Hunter Fire’ in Mariposa County.
Spanish Formula 1 driver Fernando Alonso snubs Justin Bieber by Anne Sewell
It seems not everyone is a big fan, as the Spanish Formula 1 driver, Fernando Alonso, turned down the chance to meet Justin Bieber in Monaco on Saturday.
TV nudism: Reality show has realtor showing homes to naked people by Marcus Hondro
You may think nudism and house buying are disparate subjects but a new TV show says they are not. ‘Buying Naked’ is a new reality show in which a realtor caters to nudists. You the viewer gets to see naked people looking at homes – sort of.
Teen sex education campaign makes use of giant yellow condom by Karen Graham
It’s hard to not see a 40-foot tall fluorescent yellow condom standing straight in the middle of a suburb, and that’s just the way La Florida’s Mayor Rodolfo Carter likes it. The center-right mayor wants teens to notice, and stop and think about it.
Tears of Blood: Another miraculous happening in Medjugorje? by Paul Bradbury
An Italian pilgrim cries blood in the latest unexplained incident in a small town in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where the Virgin Mary allegedly appears on a regular basis.
Op-Ed: Why Nonito Donaire deserves recognition for anti-doping advocacy by Leo Reyes
Three-division world champion Nonito Donaire deserves recognition and praise for his anti-doping advocacy in sports particularly in boxing where he made a name as one of the world’s most recognizable sportsmen.
Op-Ed: Why Pacquiao should insist random drug test for Marquez 5 by Leo Reyes
Before signing up for a fifth fight against long-time foe Juan Manuel Marquez for his upcoming fight in November, WBO welterweight champion Manny Pacquiao should consider requiring Marquez to undergo random blood and urine tests up to the fight.
Canada’s immigration laws shaking up the real estate market (Promoted Content) by Paula Kirman
Find out how the scrapping of the Canadian Immigrant Investor Program is fuelling foreign investment in other countries, such as the U.S.
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