The dental health insurance controversy in the U.S. The shocking mass killing at Fort Hood, Texas. Rihanna breaks her silence about domestic abuse. These are the top stories making headlines around the world.
With all the talk about health care in the U.S. , Amanda Mueller investigates the dental insurance problem. She interviews dental assistants and everyday Americans to find out the severity of this issue, citing data from oral health reports. One of her choice phrases: “Going forward with health care reform, it is wise to ask whether or not the dental community will face the same challenges as the medical community, or if it will be ignored as increased costs drive more Americans away from proper dental care, leading to have possible long-term health problems as a result.” We welcome this perspective on the health care debate.
“Animal rights group PETA has been told that they can’t bring live pigs to the White House because of swine flu fears.” So began KJ Mullin‘s article about a curious case of WTF? Apparently, the Obama admin is banning the oinkers because of swine flu anxiety, even though it’s been proven the pigs aren’t causing H1N1. As expected, PETA had something to say on the matter and KJ tells us what’s on their mind.
Ever wanted to visit Tokyo? Then take a gander at Blair McBride‘s excellent article on a Tokyo district colliding past with present. The photos also make the story jump out of you, and you can almost smell the streets, hear the people talk about the history of Sanya. We can’t wait to see what else Blair will spotlight in Tokyo.
As many readers may know, some of our writers love writing about boxer Manny Pacquiao. But a new writer got a scoop to make any boxing fan salivate — any interview with members of Team Pacquiao, including legendary trainer Freddie Roach. Jay Hova offers readers a transcript of the exclusive interview, including a YouTube video for our viewing pleasure. Rest assured our Pac-Man beat reporters will be all over the much-hyped fight between Pacquiao and Cotto on Nov. 14.
A selection of other notable stories include:
• 12 dead, 31 injured at US army base Fort Hood in Texas by KJ Mullins: One of the most stunning stories centers on an unexpected shooting at a military base in Fort Hood, Texas. Always on top of breaking news, KJ updates the story consistently throughout the day, providing up-to-the-minute info on the victims, the suspect and police notices.
• Swine flu fear grips Ukraine as death toll dramatically rises by Gemma Fox: The H1N1 anxiety continues to escalate, evident in this article about Ukrainians fearful about the death toll from swine flu, now at 50. Here’s a sobering fact: “Since the bird flu epidemic a few years ago the price of flu medications in Ukraine has risen as much as 300 per cent.”
• Italian Court Convicts CIA Agents of Kidnap of Muslim Cleric by Chris Dade: As this Digital Journalist introduces the article, “A judge in a court in Milan, Northern Italy has convicted 23 Americans, 22 of them CIA agents, of kidnapping a Muslim cleric in a street in the city in 2003.” The report goes into depth about the context behind the headline, including some pertinent background on Silvio Berlusconi.
• China ends drought with artificially induced snow storm by Kevin Jess: What do you do when there’s no snow? Make some! That’s the reasoning behind China’s latest weather experiment, Kevin explains, as it tries to combat a drought hanging over Beijing. Let’s just hope they don’t mistakenly concoct hail.
• Alex Jones: It’s Ron Paul’s destiny to run for President in 2012 by Andrew Moran: Texas radio show host Alex Jones is making headlines by proclaiming Ron Paul should run for U.S. president. Jones says, “…we need him in the campaign, in the debates, to be injecting real issues and shattering a left-right paradigm.” Check out the comment section for some well-written dissenting opinions.
• Plastic surgeon redesigns wife by Paul Wallis: As if people couldn’t get more vain…Paul tells us about a plastic surgeon in Berlin who operates on his wife eight times to make her an F-cup model. Stephanie Dearing couldn’t help but comment: “Creepy guy, living out what I am sure is a fantasy for a small proportion of men.”
• Nicolas Cage is broke, buried in debt by Andrew Moran: How can the star of The Rock, Adaptation and The Wicker Man be broke? (OK, maybe the final film could be telling evidence). According to Andrew’s research, Cage’s business manager has sent him into “financial ruin” and he’s slapping him with $20 million lawsuit. But never fear, Cage has four films opening in 2010 so he might be returning to the lifestyle of the rich and famous very soon.
• Pop star Rihanna opens up to Diane Sawyer about Chris Brown abuse by Heidi Lowry: It’s become the hot entertainment story of the week, despite the ugly subject matter — Rihanna spoke to 20/20’s Sawyer about the abuse she faced at the hands of ex-boyfriend Chris Brown, offering some insightful details about her personal life. She also reacts to the leaked photos of her beaten face, a media tidbit shocking people all over the world.
• Comedian Stephen Colbert to back U.S. Olympic speedskating team by Heidi Lowry: Any time Colbet has a chance to take the spotlight, he’ll do it. This time, he’s also supporting the Olympic speedskating team by asking the Colbert nation to donate some greenbacks to the cause. And in a pseudo-non sequitor, Dennis doublv said: “I know I enjoy D.J. way more than the winter Olympics.”
The Top Blog Post of the Week is awarded to Kristofor Molson for his outstanding sports reporting, including his follow-up on the Yankees win. Averaging one intriguing sports blog a day, Kristofor has told us about the doldrums facing the Cleveland Browns, Andre Agassi’s admission of using crystal meth and Brett Favre’s return to Green Bay. We look forward to his perspective on all facets of sports.