Inside Detroit’s ghost town. Why Yemen is the best country for women. A review of Michael Jackon’s ‘This Is It’ documentary. These are the top stories making headlines around the world.
As the H1N1 vaccines begin to touch down in cities across the world, Digital Journalists report on the long and frustrating lineups. Ken Wightman looks at the queues in Ontario, Canada, and specifically his hometown London. Telling details include, “Arriving at the clinic more than half an hour before the doors opened, Clarke still confronted a long line of people wrapping around the arena and disappearing into the park behind the facility.”
One of the biggest entertainment stories this week focuses on the Michael Jackson documentary “This Is It”, and readers were lucky enough to get an insightful review from Sitafa Harden. She provides some powerful lines, such as “You could virtually see the beat and the melody running through his arms and legs and exiting through his fingers and feet as he took on the song with his whole self.” A wonderful review, Sitafa.
Always on the lookout for original stories, KJ Mullins discovers what Suzanne Somers really thinks. KJ attends a lecture where Somers discusses the benefits of hormone therapy and her battle with cancer. Read this article for a different side of the popular actor/author.
“Sexy Mormon Moms’ Calendar Stirs Controversy.” How’s that for an eye-catching headline? Bob Gordon alerts us to a new saucy calendar featuring Mormon mothers, and they’ve sold more than 7,500 copies in 2009. An interview with the creator reveals his misgivings about the Church of Latter Day Saints, if he would reconsider returning to the flock. Not your everyday interview.
A selection of other notable stories include:
• State of emergency declared in New York over H1N1 by Kay Matthews: Swine flu scares continue to get media love, including this alarming story about Gov. David Paterson (D-New York) declaring a state of emergency in New York state due to the rise of H1N1 cases. Around 75 deaths have been attributed to the swine flu in New York, so far.
• Cheerleader gets flu shot, now only walks backwards by Kevin Jess: Of all flu stories, this one has to be the quirkiest: Desiree Jennings, 25, got the seasonal flu shot and is afflicted with dystonia, a rare side effect of seasonal flu vaccinations. She must walk up and down stairs backwards, and she begins to pass out whenever she tries to eat. She recommends exploring natural remedies to flu and H1N1, although it should be noted she isn’t a physician.
• Detroit property on sale but buyers aren’t interested by Stephanie Dearing: “With the failure of the once-booming manufacturing industry, the city is fighting to stop the slow slide into destitution.” So began Dearing’s powerful article on the problems Detroit is facing in the midst of the recession. She tells us about the abandoned homes, a dwindling population, and the many property auctions to recoup unpaid taxes. What do you think about Detroit today?
• Doctor stabbed at Massachusetts General, suspect dead by Kevin Jess: Quick to report breaking news, Kevin Jess reported on the stabbing and subsequent showdown at Massachusetts General Hospital. He worked feverishly to update the news as more info leaked to the press, and provided a thorough account of what transpired.
• Teen gang raped after homecoming dance, onlookers did not help by Kay Matthews: In some sad news, a teen was gang-raped after a homecoming dance and bystanders apparently didn’t step in. Miriam Mannak comments, “Those who saw what happened but did not help are just as guilty as the guys who raped this girl.”
• Cellphone usage linked to brain tumors by Andrew Moran: Worried about cellphones causing brain damage? Don’t read this article. Andrew explains the nitty gritty of a new study, which reveals using cellphone can cause radiofrequency radiation. Of course, the mobile carriers claim other scientific studies point to opposite conclusions.
• Guardian website falls victim to hackers by Jane Fazackarley: This is never good news for a media outlet — the website for UK’s Guardian was recently compromised by hackers in an attempt to glean details from users. But the U.S. version of the site was not hacked, the company stresses.
The Top Blog Post of the Week is awarded to skeptikool for an illuminating post on a swine flu vaccine scandal, as discovered out of Germany. It’s timely, it’s short but sweet and it makes you think. Great job, skeptikool!