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TopFinds: Creator of Web makes an apology, vines invade Canada

A U.S. vine invading Ontario. Could the Philippines elect their youngest president? The creator of the Web apologizes for a URL’s forward slashes. These are the top stories around the world.

Digital Journalist Andrew Moran was on the scene in Toronto’s Dundas subway station to snap photos of a strange anti-Obama protest. As Moran reports, “A group of Lyndon LaRouche supporters held signs and handed out a booklet of information regarding LaRouche’s views on the British Empire, United States President Barack Obama’s health care plan and the global financial system.” Find out why this protest took place in the Toronto underground.

Former Globe & Mail reporter Jan Wong told her harrowing story to Toronto university students, Jason Li reports, as she discusses why she got fired from the venerable Canadian newspaper. We won’t spoil it for you here, so head on over to Jason’s article to read a fascinating story about a journalist who spiraled into depression after her boss slapped her wrists over a controversial story.

Nothing like a hot film called The Age of Stupid to compel us to perk up and take notice. Julian Worker reviews this yet-to-be-released flick after he attended a screening at the Vancouver International Film Festival. The film is a futuristic look at the environmental calamities that struck Earth between 2005 and 2008. Read Julian’s piece for a detailed description of the interlocking characters that make The Age of Stupid a film we definitely want to check out.

A selection of other notable stories include:

Creator of Web apologises for use of forward slashes by Gemma Fox: Do you hate forward slashes in a Web URL? Then so does the co-inventor of the Web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, who confesses the slashes were “unnecessary.” He adds he could’ve designed Web addresses without those “//.” But do we really need the “http” too?

Soldier dies after receiving cancerous lung transplant by Kevin Jess: Call it the worst surgery of the century — a British soldier received a double lung transplant only to later die due to cancerous tumours found in the transplanted lung. Luckily, the affected hospital has new procedures in place.

7 Americans foreclosed every minute and this is a recovery? by Paul Wallis: This fine opinion piece looked at the foreclosure crisis still afflicting Americans. Paul writes, “What are Americans earning under a million a second going to be buying their groceries with, notarized jellybeans?” Kudos to your writing and researching skills, Paul.

Canadian trucker fined for smoking in his ‘workplace’ by Kay Matthews: “A Canadian tractor-trailer driver was pulled over and ticketed for smoking in an ‘enclosed workplace.'” So began Kay’s intriguing article on a strange legal loophole that fined the trucker $305 for puffing on a cancer stick in his truck. What do you think about this story?

President Barack Obama

President Barack Obama reacting to the news that he had won the Nobel Peace Prize: “The award was a nod to a vision of what is to come.”

Liz Cheney Says Obama should stay away from Oslo, Nobel prizes by KJ Mullins: No surprise many people all around the globe would voice their opinion on Obama’s Nobel win. In this article, Liz Cheney is quoted as saying, “the president himself understands he didn’t earn this prize and therefore the notion that this White House has said he would go to Oslo to accept the prize would add to the farce.”

Philippines Could Elect Youngest President in Country’s History by Leo Reyes: Could a 40-year-old become the president of the Philippines? Leo’s article probes what’s on the mind of Senator Francis (Chiz) Escudero, who sports some impressive credentials. Comment on the article if you have an opinion about Escudero’s chances.


Kudzu on trees in Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Photo by Scott Ehardt

• ‘The vine that ate the South’ invades Canada by Bob Gordon: The headline reels in your attention, and once you read the article, you’ll think “Stephen King must love these vines!” Read the article to learn more about the vine-with-a-mind-of-its-own Kudzu and its invasion in Ontario. The photo is a good example of what to expect when the vine comes crawling your way.

The Top Blog Post of the Week is awarded to Edward McDermott for his look at Toronto City Hall’s new green roof. He writes, “The optimist in me hopes the roof will become a usable green space, even if it needs its own irrigation space. The pessimist in me, remembers that the futuristic City hall, that has become a symbol for the city, has a history of problems since it opened.” You don’t have to be from Toronto to learn about green roofs, but instead have an open mind about eco-friendliness in urban architecture.

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