On Mar. 7, the boy identified as Roman Sharma was home with his mother and twin brother when his mom collapsed. Roman managed to use his unconscious mother’s thumb to unlock her cellphone and then told Siri he needed the police.
After Siri connected him with 999 (the U.K.’s equivalent of 911), the little boy told the operator he needed the police. He was asked to get his mother and Roman replied he couldn’t because she was dead. When asked how he knew she was dead, Roman said her eyes were closed and she was not breathing. Roman was then told to shake his mom and yell “Mommy.” The four-year-old then told the operator he did but it did not work. He kept on insisting his mom was dead.
Although it took a few questions, Roman was finally able to provide the operator with his address. About 13 minutes after the initial 999 call was made, police arrived and forced their way into the home. Paramedics managed to revive the unconscious woman before she was taken to hospital. She is now back home with her twins and their younger brother.
Roman’s mother said she is extremely proud of Roman and his twin brother Samuel for looking after her and their little brother. She said the family often play “Doctors, Police and Firemen” and she taught the boys how to call 999 and what to do in an emergency. Of course the mom never expected they would actually have to use that knowledge.
The London Metropolitan Police Service decided to release the 999 audio to remind parents of the importance of teaching their young children what to do in emergency situations, to know their address and be able to call for help. Chief Inspector Ade Adelekan said it was an amazing story about how he quickly managed to get help by asking Siri.
And it was an amazing story. Not only did he know enough to take his unconscious mother’s thumb to unlock her phone, he also knew how to ask Siri for help. Also amazing was his calm demeanour during a time he thought his mother was dead.
As Gizmodo reported, there are advantages to having a landline rather than just a cellphone in emergencies such as this. Although Roman knew his mom’s iPhone had to be unlocked using her thumb print, had there been a landline in the home he simply could have dialled 999.
Anyone who calls 999 or 911 from a landline gives authorities the exact address where the line is located. With cellphones, all that can be determined is the location of the cell tower the signal is coming from. If a landline is used, first responders can react more quickly if the person calling emergency services is unable, for whatever reason, to provide their exact address.
Roman’s quickness and ability to remain calm while certain his mother was dead might have made the difference between life and death for his mom.