Winnipeg Solar Company is Enthusiastic About The Potential For Commercial & Agricultural Sectors To Benefit From Financial Incentives

Published February 8, 2023

WINNIPEG, Manitoba: Within the past six months, the Manitoba provincial government and the Canadian federal government have both announced programs that incentivize the installation of solar systems. For Powertec Solar Inc. in Winnipeg, this is welcome news. The local electrical company is hopeful that solar projects will continue to blossom in Manitoba and across Canada as they become increasingly financially viable for business owners and agricultural operations alike.

Powertec Solar Inc. is a division of Powertec Electric Inc., located at 1433 Erin St. in Winnipeg. Rather than being a solar company trying to do electrical work, Powertec Solar brings all the experience and expertise of its years in the electrical industry to solar installations. This translates into superior skill, knowledge, and customer service. Powertec Solar's award-winning installation services are well known across Manitoba, and its crew is prepared and ready for the influx of solar work expected in the near future.

Daniel Hartley, the owner and president of Powertec Solar Inc., is thrilled to see governments supporting solar initiatives across Canada. "When Canadians realize that solar is a viable option," he says, "they're eager to move forward with sustainable projects. In most cases, finances are the big hurdle, and with these incentives, we're already seeing an upswing in interest from commercial and agricultural industries."

Since August of 2022, Efficiency Manitoba has been offering solar rebates of up to $5,000 for homeowners and up to $25,000 for businesses. In November of 2022, the Canadian federal government announced that it will introduce a 30% refundable tax credit for sustainable electricity generation, including solar projects.

Powertec Solar believes the momentum already exists for solar to take off across the province. And as that happens, Powertec Solar's team is ready for the challenge.

For more information about Powertec Solar Inc. and the services it provides, visit

Media Contact

Company Name
Powertec Solar
Contact Name
Daniel Lacovetsky
(204) 809-8703
1433-B Erin St
Postal Code
R3E 2S9

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