Rhode Island Senate Passes Workplace Psychological Safety Act

Published May 13, 2024

The Rhode Island Senate has passed the Workplace Psychological Safety Act, marking a significant step in promoting safer and healthier work environments throughout the state. This new legislation aims to shield employees from psychological risks in the workplace, such as bullying and excessive stress, which can adversely affect an employee’s physical, mental, and emotional health.

Crafted with insights from individuals who have experienced workplace abuse, as well as input from healthcare professionals and legal experts, the act focuses on preventing psychological harm. It emphasizes the elimination of workplace bullying, ensuring that psychological safety is prioritized alongside physical safety in all work settings.

The act’s approval by the Senate demonstrates Rhode Island’s dedication to changing workplace cultures that have often overlooked the severe consequences of psychological damage. As the legislation now moves to the Rhode Island House for further consideration, its potential to influence future workplace regulations across the country is significant. This legislative progress underscores the importance of protective measures that safeguard the dignity of workers and promote not only a safer but also a more productive work environment.

Learn more about the national movement at EndWorkplaceAbuse.com and the Workplace Psychological Safety Act at WPSAct.org.

Media Contact

Name: Debra Falzoi,

Company:Workplace Psychological Safety Act,

Mobile number: 774-283-5435,

Email: info@endworkplaceabuse.com,

Website: http://workplacepsychologicalsafetyact.org/

Vehement Media