THE US Was Ranked Last in Health Care Quality Outcomes, But Why?

Published February 21, 2023
The US is Ranked Amongst The Lowest Performing Countries in Health Care Quality Outcomes - Bethany Medical Clinic NYC Gives The Facts

Feb. 21, 2023 / PRZen / NEW YORK -- Despite being the largest spender in the healthcare sector, the US ranks last in health care quality compared to other industrialized nations again, according to studies published by the Commonwealth Fund.

This disparity is a cause for concern, highlighting the need for a closer examination of the reasons for this mismatch.

Bethany Medical Clinic of New York is dedicated to providing personalized and thorough primary care to the city's residents.

The clinic, built and led by a physician, prioritizes the health outcomes of its patients above all else. The clinic seeks to address the major issues contributing to poor health outcomes in the US, including the inaccessibility of high-quality primary care due to insurance underpayment, the shortage of primary care physicians, and the decline of primary care physician-led practices.

By offering accessible and comprehensive care, Bethany Medical Clinic aims to take a step toward improving health outcomes for the people of the United States.

The clinic is dedicated to preserving the sacred relationship between a patient and their primary care provider and ensuring that all individuals have access to quality medical care.

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Shirin Peters
(315) 201-0621

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