The Dropout Multimillionaire - Brian Will's Journey

Published January 24, 2023

Business is a tricky business, if you’ll pardon the pun. Creating your own fully functional and thriving company is no easy task. It takes drive, discipline, focus, and an understanding of how people work. Some people master this through years of education, while others find a way outside of the school system to teach themselves how to succeed in business.

While going about it that way is a challenge, it’s one that Brian Will faced and conquered. From having no education and no idea how to make it on his own to being a multimillionaire with hands in a ton of different companies, he has found his way to the top.

Having been kicked out of high school (although he did manage to get back in and graduate) and then being a college dropout, Brian found himself at 20 years old ready to take on the world but not understanding just how difficult that would be. He was, in his words, “too stupid to know how hard it would be and how long it would take, so I just did it and never quit.” Something that Brian has attributed to his success was taking the time to find a mentor. He needed someone who knew the industry and could teach him the secrets of their success. He found someone with those skills, vetted their history, and then started to learn. The tricky part? Actually listening to them and following their advice. Through plenty of trial and error, Brian learned through his failures, of which there were plenty, and worked his way to becoming one of the industry leaders.

Over time, Brian has created or co-created seven highly successful companies in four separate industries. These companies were worth over half a billion dollars at their peak. He’s also done plenty of turn-around projects for companies, which ranged from startups to Fortune 500 Companies, during which he helped those organizations drive billions of dollars in sales. His multifaceted background gives him the ability to understand and teach agile processes and principles and articulate their implications from multiple perspectives, from the development team to the executive board.

Today, Brian owns a growing chain of restaurants in the Atlanta area along with an Insurance and Technology company, based in Denver, and a residential and commercial Real Estate business in Georgia and Florida. He also currently serves on the city council in his hometown of Alpharetta, Georgia. Through his book, “The Dropout Multimillionaire,” Brian is working to help other entrepreneurs become successful and avoid the same mistakes he made. This year, he plans to keep working towards becoming the Dave Ramsey of business. He’s working to build out his social media presence to reach more like-minded people, to create a mastermind group built on hard work and helping others.

Press Release Distributed by The Express Wire

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