Boca Raton Defective Hip Replacement Attorney Joe Osborne Interviewed on Coffee with Q

Published July 12, 2024

 In a compelling episode of "Coffee With Q," renowned Florida injury lawyer Joe Osborne shares his expert insights into the challenges and implications of defective hip replacement devices. Hosted by legal news reporter Rene Perras, this episode delves into the details.

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This episode of "Coffee With Q" aims to educate and empower patients, medical professionals. Osborne’s extensive experience and dedication to his clients shine through, offering a beacon of hope to those navigating the aftermath of medical device failures.

For more information about Joe Osborne and his work with Osborne and Francis, visit

About Coffee With Q Coffee With Q is an independent journalism platform dedicated to shedding light on crucial legal matters through discussions with subject matter experts who impact our society daily. Co-Hosted by legal news reporter Renee Perras, the show provides professional insights and analyses to make complex legal issues straightforward and easily understood.

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Disclaimer: The opinions expressed by Joe Osborne are his own and do not necessarily reflect the views of "Coffee With Q" or its news and podcast partners.

Release ID: 1067929

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