The Advantages of Getting Clear Aligners in Bellevue, WA

Published February 22, 2024

What Are the Pros of Getting Clear Aligners, and How Can They Benefit Me?

Bellevue, United States - February 14, 2024 / Factoria Orthodontics /

If you have misaligned teeth, and your orthodontist has suggested that you get a device to help you correct them, you will want to consider getting clear aligners in Bellevue, WA. At Factoria Orthodontics, we offer several types of braces and aligners. This includes the clear aligners. Clear aligners are gaining popularity because of their many advantages over traditional metal braces.

What Is a Clear Aligner?

Clear aligners in Bellevue, WA, are plastic trays that are customized to straighten your teeth. Misaligned teeth can cause issues with eating and talking. It can also lead to conditions like TMJ and lead to an increased risk of cavities and gum disease. These aligners are FDA-approved. There are several advantages to getting these clear aligners at Factoria Orthodontics.

What Are the Pros of Getting Clear Aligners?


Traditional metal braces are known for not looking that great. Some people do not wish to be able to see their braces every time they open their mouth. Clear aligners are pretty much invisible unless you are looking for them. If you do not want anyone to see your braces, clear aligners are the ones for you.


Metal braces can cause soreness and discomfort when you are wearing them and when they are adjusted. Some people may even experience pain when eating or brushing their teeth. Aligners will not cause you much pain. You may feel a bit of discomfort when changing out the aligners, but then you should not feel anything afterward.


A common problem with metal braces is that they are difficult to keep clean, and eating can be a pain. Thankfully, all you have to do with clear aligners in Bellevue is to take them out. You do not have to worry about food getting stuck or experiencing pain while brushing and flossing. Just make sure that you clean the clear aligner before placing it back in your mouth.

Fewer Orthodontic Visits

Traditional metal braces will have you going in for adjustments frequently. With clear aligners in Bellevue, WA, at Factoria Orthodontics, you will not have to take frequent trips to the orthodontist for adjustments. In some cases, you may be given several different aligners and instructed on how to use them for that period of treatment.

Easy to Clean

Clear aligners are extremely easy to clean. All you will need to do is clean them well with a soft, bristled brush and lukewarm water. You must never use toothpaste or mouthwash on your aligner, as this can stain it or cause damage. Toothpaste is abrasive and can cause scratches. Scratches can lead to tartar buildup on your aligners. Avoid using hot water, as this can cause damage to your aligner. You will want to make sure that you clean your aligner every time you take it out. Make sure that you brush and floss your teeth regularly.

Call Factoria Orthodontics for All Your Clear Aligner

If you are dealing with misaligned teeth and want to get those corrected, call us at Factoria Orthodontics today. We offer several different treatments, including clear aligners in Bellevue, WA. When you call us, we will schedule a consultation with one of our orthodontists. After the exam, they will come up with a treatment option to help you ensure that your teeth are aligned properly.

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Contact Information:

Factoria Orthodontics

4100 Factoria Blvd SE Suite B
Bellevue, WA 98006
United States

Contact Factoria Orthodontics
(425) 747-3300

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