The DiPietro Law Firm Recently Filed Claims for 141 Men Exposed to Urologist Dr. Darius Paduch in Advance of the 23rd November 2023 Deadline, More Patients Are Still Coming Forward

Published November 14, 2023

The DiPietro Law Firm is New York’s original Patient Safety law firm representing men and women exposed to predatory and exploitative doctors and hospitals. The firm has single-handedly recovered hundreds of millions for clients—while forcing hospitals to implement new and upgraded safety procedures designed to increase patient safety.

Dr. Darius Paduch was a Urologist at Weill Cornell Medical Center and Northwell Hospital, and was recently indicted on twelve counts of inducing male patients to cross state lines with the intent of engaging them in unlawful sexual activity. The patients were all unaware that Paduch was performing unauthorized medical procedures and testing, as part of overall fraud designed to physically, and financially, exploit and abuse them. The federal charges relate to Paduch’s decades-long fraud and sexual abuse of what is now believed to be hundreds, if not thousands, of patients, all of whom were taken advantage of by Paduch’s elaborate plans to exploit his victims. Paduch’s abuse includes performing medically unnecessary varicocele surgeries, claiming to be doing “research” on men’s semen specimens as a ruse to watch them masturbate, and several other methods of bogus examinations that Paduch concocted in order to gain access to their bodies.

From about 2003 to 2023, Urologist Darius Paduch induced countless numbers of men and boys to travel to his medical offices at New York-Presbyterian Hospital, Weill Cornell Medical Center, and Northwell Health, so he could take advantage of them. Among the conditions that Paduch claimed to be treating are male erectile dysfunction, Klinefelter’s Syndrome, and testosterone replacement therapy.

Paduch’s bogus treatment methods included making patients watch pornography in the exam room, making them masturbate so Paduch could assess their technique, performing unnecessary varicocele and cystoscopy procedures (often without anesthesia), and asking them to leave behind specimens for testing for a “research project”. All of Paduch’s methods had the illusion of being clinical, but were nothing more than a disguised form of patient sexual abuse and financial exploitation. Paduch, a gay man, regularly told patients that he was “straight” or “married” [to a woman] in order to give patients the impression that what he was doing to them was purely clinical in nature.

The DiPietro Law Firm, is based in New York, NY, and has been helping victims and survivors of doctor sexual exploitation and abuse to file claims against the former urologist and the hospitals who knew—but covered up Darius Paduch’s abuse. Founder, Anthony T. DiPietro, Esq., has been working for over a decade to expose Columbia University’s cover-up of both Urologist Darius Paduch and OB/GYN Robert Hadden’s crimes against patients. DiPietro and his law firm continue to use strategic litigation against major medical institutions in order to hold them accountable and make sure this kind of thing doesn’t happen to patients in the future.

DiPietro says, “Several New York laws require that medical professionals report the professional misconduct of their colleagues to the State Licensing agency. Unfortunately, it is far too common that hospital admins, and other medical personnel, don’t report the abuse being committed by their colleagues. Instead, institutions often just move their predator physicians to another clinic, and sometimes give abusers the opportunity to voluntarily resign, instead of being fired. When that happens, the institutions, and every hospital admin that was involved in the failure to report the abuse, should be subjected to their own disciplinary action, criminal prosecution, and the loss of their medical license.”

The deadline for holding Dr. Darius Paduch accountable is fast approaching. New York Governor Kathy Hochul signed the Adult Survivors Act (S.66A/A.648A) last year, which creates a one-year lookback window for survivors of sexual exploitation and abuse. That means, regardless of when the appointment with Darius Paduch occurred, patients have until November 23, 2023, to file a claim. The DiPietro Law Firm is honored to work with anyone who has been exposed to serial predators like Dr. Darius Paduch or Robert Hadden. All consultations are 100% anonymous and free of charge.

Established in 2003 by attorney Anthony T. DiPietro, The DiPietro Law Firm fights for the rights of patients and regular people who have been harmed by the negligence and wrongdoing of others. DiPietro graduated at the top of his class from New York Law School in 1998, with magna cum laude honors. He served as an Editor of NYLS’s Law Review, and has been licensed to practice law in New York since 1999.

DiPietro has served on the Board of the New York State Trial Lawyers, was recognized as one of the US’s Top 100 “high-stakes litigators” in 2022, and as one of the nation’s Top 10 Trial Lawyers for Women’s Rights. Attorney Anthony T. DiPietro has also been selected as a New York State Super Lawyer for the past 11 consecutive years, cementing Anthony T. DiPietro’s long-established reputation as being one of the top sexual assault and medical malpractice lawyers in the country.

Anyone who wants to check your eligibility for filing a lawsuit against Darius Paduch and Columbia University, New York-Presbyterian Hospital, Weill Cornell, or Northwell Hospital, is urged to visit, or call (212) 233-3600.


For more information about The DiPietro Law Firm, contact the company here:

The DiPietro Law Firm
Alejandra Beria
(212) 233-3600
The Woolworth Building 233 Broadway, Floor 1 Bronx, NY 10279

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