EarlyBirds Can Be the Ideal Partner for Developing a Continuous Learning Culture

Published June 6, 2023

EarlyBirds, an Australian firm that has created an Open Innovation Ecosystem where early adopters, innovators, and subject matter experts (SMEs) can work together to come up with solutions to accelerate technology advancement and adoption in an organisation, wants to point out that they are the ideal partner for organisations wanting to establish or enhance a continuous learning culture. This kind of culture is vital because a continuous learning culture tends to encourage innovation. Employees who desire to learn and grow are not contented with previous accomplishments. The result is that the company will continually increase its knowledge, enhance competency, innovate on a regular basis, and create future leaders. Those who would like to promote a continuous learning culture in their organisation can take a look at how the EarlyBirds open innovation ecosystem can help. They can become Early Adopters by going to https://earlybirds.io/en/early_adopter.

The importance of having a continuous learning culture has been observed by Gartner Inc., which has noted that within the next five to 10 years, “the complexity and scale of business objectives will demand the involvement of brainpower and expertise across boundaries in more intricate ways." That is why a continuous learning culture is critical in modern businesses. With such a culture, the organisation is able to drive itself to new heights, which are levels not even imagined by the most visionary leaders.

Meanwhile, a survey by Harvard Business School focused on how executives rate the advancements in their companies’ digital transformations and the data gathered was used to define the qualities of a digitally mature business. In two of the observations made in the survey, EarlyBirds can assist alls kinds of organisations in developing and maintaining a continuous learning culture. First is the creation of a culture that is data-informed instead of just being data-driven. Second is the development of a culture of continuous experimentation and learning. This is an organisation where the employees are calculated risk-takers and follow the “fail fast - learn fast” strategy. This is an organisation where rigorous and relevant experiments are conducted to test, learn, and adapt to new developments, even discarding projects that were previously thought to be promising when the data has revealed that they no longer work.

EarlyBirds can be the ideal partner for organisations that want to create or improve their continuous learning culture. This is because some of the major reasons EarlyBirds was created was to provide support for an organisational culture with an open mindset and the pursuit of knowledge for accomplishing the mission and goals. It has also been a strong supporter of the “fail fast - learn fast” strategy. Thus, the EarlyBirds platform and services have been developed specifically for attaining those goals.

At the present time, there are more than 4.9 million technology innovators taking part in the EarlyBirds platform in all kinds of industries. This means the EarlyBirds platform holds a large pool of data on industry and innovation developments and this is increasing by 2.5 million items every month. These innovator companies, whether they are a start-up, scale-up or mature organisations, can join the EarlyBirds system, where they can discover potential users and customers for their new products. They can check out https://earlybirds.io/en/innovator to join the platform.

The EarlyBirds open innovation ecosystem has two primary elements. One is the Explorer program for speeding up the process of technological innovation for the organisation as a service. The Explorer program has a number of features, such as: quarterly and monthly innovation days; a platform enterprise license; weekly webinars to help stimulate innovation in the organisation; a focus on particular types of innovations; and a nominated SME for the business. The second element is the Challenger program, which is designed to discover solutions for one particular technical or business challenge at a time.

Furthermore, the EarlyBirds innovation maps can facilitate how companies can keep themselves up to date on the trends regarding a specific technology or business topic and not just to know what is happening but to take advantage of any opportunities that may appear and solve business challenges. Those who want to know more about the Early Birds Marketplace and how it can help technology innovation efforts in the development of a continuous learning culture can visit the EarlyBirds website at earlybirds.io.


For more information about EarlyBirds, contact the company here:

Mr Kris Poria and Mr Jeff Penrose
+61 401 287 060

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