EarlyBirds, an Australian firm with an open source innovation ecosystem, which is a business to business (B2B) platform providing a way for early adopters, innovators, and subject matter experts (SMEs) to collaborate to hasten technology adoption and advancement, wants to emphasise that they can assist organisations in benefiting from the full potential of the 5G network. This mobile network of the fifth generation represents a revolution because of its capability to transform mobile technology from just connecting people to people to connecting people to all. It is expected to offer 10x speed with 50x lower latency, a vast Internet of Things (IoT) for machine-to machine (M2M) connectivity and network edge compute to allow hyper localization. Businesses who plan to gain from this huge potential can become early adopters by taking part in the EarlyBirds system at https://earlybirds.io/en/early_adopter.
5G wireless technology is expected to provide higher multi-Gbps peak data speeds, higher reliability, ultra low latency, increased availability, massive network capacity, and a more uniform user experience. 5G facilitates, enables, or significantly improves user experience in various kinds of technologies, such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and self-driving cars. 5G also has important applications in various industries, including healthcare and medical technology, including telemedicine and remote surgery. 5G can help in saving lives through high-resolution video consultations, smart wearables, and assistance robots that can significantly increase the effectiveness and efficiency of treatments.
Meanwhile, with the large number of innovator companies existance in the EarlyBirds platform, a diverse range of 5G-related technology solutions are available through the platform. For instance, there are AR technologies that significantly improve the customer’s experience. Business applications include shoppers being able to virtually construct true-to-scale three-dimensional models in their homes. They can also try makeup, hair colour, and even hairstyles.
Another disruptive technology available on the EarlyBirds platform that will be enabled by 5G that will benefit businesses is IoT, which may help in decreasing operating costs, increasing productivity, enhancing workplace safety, improving customer experiences, and permitting better business insights. Innovator companies that developed advanced technologies taking advantage of 5G can be part of the EarlyBirds ecosystem through https://earlybirds.io/en/innovator.
Real world examples of the application of 5G can be found in healthcare networks, which are typically complicated since they typically include various kinds of medical equipment, patient sensors, monitoring devices, and healthcare applications in an area spanning thousands of square feet. These devices need to be secure but accessible. Patient information must be kept confidential but accessible to the relevant staff. Hospitals can use IoT sensors to monitor the performance and location of vital hardware, such as ventilators, insulin pumps, EKG machines, and crash carts.
Another real-world application of 5G that brings revolutionary changes is in self-driving cars or autonomous vehicles. While driverless cars are not yet the norm, 5G can play a vital role in allowing various vehicles to communicate and provide transportation at scale. Autonomous drones can be used to monitor weather conditions in real-time and their information can be delivered to autonomous vehicles, allowing them to make the necessary adjustments in their routes, helping to avoid accidents, decreasing traffic congestion, and boosting safety.
5G is also expected to play a critical role in education. College campuses can finally offer a secure and reliable network access for students and staff. With long-range roof-mounted antennas, colleges and universities may even enable students to gain access to school resources from their own homes.
EarlyBirds is the developer of an open source innovation ecosystem that permits SMEs, early adopters, and innovators to come together for the purpose of accelerating the adoption of technology. This B2B platform is designed to assist innovator companies in finding customers for their new and advanced technologies and are therefore able to thrive and succeed. Meanwhile, early adopter companies find it easier to identify new and disruptive innovations that could be used to solve certain problems and challenges, which enables them to be more competitive.
EarlyBirds is committed to supporting companies in their goals of taking advantage of 5G technology. Those interested can visit the EarlyBirds website at http://earlybirds.io or contact them on the phone or through email.
For more information about EarlyBirds, contact the company here:
Mr Kris Poria and Mr Jeff Penrose
+61 401 287 060