Jun. 7, 2023 /
PRZen / OAKLAND, Maine -- The inaugural annual SecureMaine Conference, organized by SecureMaine, a non-profit 501(c)3 organization (formation in process), will take place Thursday, October 5, 2023, at The Point on Clarks Pond Parkway in South Portland, Maine.
This full day conference covers information security issues as they relate to technology, governance, and architecture, and finishes with a roundtable discussion featuring prominent practitioners in the information, security, and privacy spheres (CISO/CIO/CIPOs). The SecureMaine Conference content includes both cybersecurity and physical security.
Constituents attending this event will include individuals and organizations looking to improve their cybersecurity, physical security, and privacy protection. Attendees are likely to come from New England, mostly from Maine and nearby states.
The conference is a collaboration between five inaugural non-profit professional bodies investing their time and resources in the importance of this event to their members in Maine and nearby states. The event will satisfy continuing education credits (CEUs) for related topics. The entities, in alphabetical order, include:
- IAPP – International Association of Privacy Professionals
- InfraGard Maine
- ISACA New England
- (ISC)2 Maine
- MTUG – Maine Technology Users Group
Presenters will include national experts, leaders from federal agencies, significant organizations, technologists, lawyers, consultants, strategists, and policy makers at national and local levels.
Select organizations wishing to support the SecureMaine conference will be able to apply to have a presence as exhibiting or non-exhibiting sponsors, enabling SecureMaine to offer modest attendance fees.
The conference provides refreshment, lunch, and parking, which are all included in the attendance fee/donation, at The Point facility located at 345 Clarks Pond Parkway, South Portland, Maine.
Organizers expect 250 to 350 attendees and 20 sponsor tables.
Updated event information will be posted at the organizational website as it becomes available in June 2023:
https://www.SecureMaine.orgFor more information, contact Frank Appunn
SecureMaine@SecureMaine.org(207) 370-4863
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