M.King Media Continues its 10th-year celebration with 'Ultimate Q&A with M.King'

Published August 20, 2023
"I really just wanted to create something fun to continue the celebration of our 10th anniversary. It's just something God put on our heart to do, an Ultimate Q&A..." - M.King

Aug. 20, 2023 / PRZen / MESA, Ariz. -- If you had the opportunity to ask a question to someone we'll known what would it be, and how do you think they would answer?

M.King, Founder and President of M.King Media INC. has just released his latest production in celebration of M.King Media's 10th year. On July 30th, 2023 Ultimate Q&A with M.King made its debut.

"Well for starters, what really made it interesting was the fact that I had to speak to the camera and do a Q&A at the same time," said M.King "You know, it's kind of weird because the questions that we have are very personable so, we tried to do a mix of personal and then kind of sprinkle some fun M.King Media facts in between....."

Ultimate Q & A with M.King is now streaming on mkingmedia.com.

Production: Ultimate Q&A with M.King: 10th Anniversary Special

Description: In this 10th-anniversary special, M.King answers questions while dishing out fun facts about M.King Media.

Time: 25 minutes

Price: Streaming Free

Available at: www.mkingmedia.com

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Facebook @mkingmedia
Twitter @mkingmedia
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About M.King Media:

Founded in 2013, M.King Media is a faith-focused non-profit based in Mesa, AZ. M.King Media has created more than 271 faith-based media projects and distributed them all over the world.

M.King Media's mission statement is "To Make Creative Christian Media That Points People to Jesus Christ." For more info go to mkingmedia.com

Follow the full story here: https://przen.com/pr/33517676

Source: M.King Media INC.

PR Zen