Online Coaching Business Accelerator Program Launched By Coach Jeanne Omlor

Published April 1, 2023

The recent announcement introduces individuals whose passion lies in helping others thrive escape their 9-5 career or jobs by creating and/or scaling a financially successful online coaching business. Founder Jeanne Omlor believes every individual has the genius within them to build an impactful coaching or consulting business organically and with integrity--a belief that inspired her to create and perfect her coaching program.

More information, client results and in-person testimonials are available at

Most successful entrepreneurs say the best choice they made was to hire a business coach. Jeanne Omlor International aims to help individuals leverage their skill sets to attract high-net-worth clients by creating a personalized online coaching business supported by a targeted, focused business strategy.

"Our passion is to help dedicated entrepreneurs like you find your genius zone so you can attain maximum growth without sacrificing the work-life balance you desire," says Omlor.

A new report finds 80 per cent of those who worked with a business coach experienced an increase in self-confidence while 72 per cent were able to improve their interpersonal skills and 70 per cent improved their work performance.

Omlor works with her clients individually to help them get their in-demand coaching services to an online coaching model with better reach for a larger, more lucrative and consistent stream of clients.

During training, clients learn how to create a business plan rooted in their own unique strengths. She will also teach them how to craft a strong sales message, to get very clear on their target market and to create a solid offer that people will buy over and over again, while being the leader in their coaching niche.

Moreover, Omlor teaches her clients how to attract and sign what she calls "Diamond Clients"--the lucrative, repeat high ticket clients Omlor specializes in acquiring.

Omlor also helps her clients develop a positive and gritty mindset and a can-do attitude to overcome self-limiting beliefs so they can market their services effectively, sell confidently, and sign more high ticket coaching clients on a consistent basis.

Omlor is a business strategist and coach with years of experience as an entrepreneur in various sectors.

A recent client says, "I came to Jeanne to learn how to scale my already successful business Refocus on Happiness, and she blew my mind. I ramped up pretty quickly, tripling and sometimes quadrupling my social media engagement numbers. Previously, I'd have good days where I'd bring in $5,000. Now it's becoming a regular occurrence."

If this is of interest, learn more at

Jeanne Omlor International LLC

8216 Princeton Glendale Road
United States

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