Leading Experts Share Their Biggest Failures of 2022

Published December 29, 2022
Scottsdale, AZ (Newsworthy.ai) Thursday Dec 29, 2022 @ 5:00 AM Pacific —

As the year comes to a close, leading industry figures reflect on their biggest failures in 2022 and the steps they will take to overcome them in the year ahead. From underestimating the impact of economic malaise on the job market to mismanaging a return to the office, these leaders share their insights and lessons learned.

Linda Scorzo, CEO of Hiring Indicators, admits to underestimating the effect of economic malaise on the job market, and plans to focus on selling their product as the perfect solution to modern HR problems in 2023.

Gresham Harkless Jr., founder and CEO of Blog Nation, learned the importance of thorough due diligence when hiring and will take more time to bring on new team members in the future. He also plans to document training and information for team members and implement succession planning to avoid future frustrations or failures.

Amy Zwagerman, founder and CMO of The Launch Box, admits to not taking enough risks in 2022, and plans to focus on failing fast and growing new ideas in 2023.

John Ross, CEO of Test Prep Insight, learned the importance of employee feedback and will shift to a hybrid work environment in 2023 to better accommodate employee needs and preferences.

As the future of the workplace continues to evolve, these leaders offer valuable lessons on the importance of adaptability and the value of learning from failures.

The full article, featuring insights and advice from these successful industry leaders, can be found on the Fast Company website.

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