Purpose Investments Announces It Will Switch from T+2 to T+1 Settlements on May 27, 2024

Published May 21, 2024

Major Milestone Achieved: Transition to T+1 Settlement in Canadian and U.S. Securities Markets

TORONTO, May 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Purpose Investments Inc. (“Purpose Investments” or “Purpose”) is pleased to announce its participation in a significant advancement to the operational framework of the Canadian and U.S. securities markets: the transition from a T+2 to T+1 settlement cycle.

In conjunction with Canadian and U.S. security markets, Purpose will shorten its settlement cycles for several funds to T+1 from T+2, effective May 27, 2024. The decision to transition to T+1 settlements comes as part of Purpose’s ongoing efforts to stay on the leading edge of evolving market trends and regulatory requirements. By reducing settlement times by one business day, Purpose aims to streamline operations and ensure a quicker and smoother experience for clients buying and selling stocks.

The list of Purpose ETFs below will be transitioning to a T+1 settlement schedule. U.K., E.U. and Asian markets have yet to commit to T+1 Settlement but are in discussions to convert to T+1 no earlier than 2025.

YGOG02080B104Alphabet (GOOGL) Yield Shares Purpose ETF
YAMZ02314T103Amazon (AMZN) Yield Shares Purpose ETF
APLY03783G101Apple (AAPL) Yield Shares Purpose ETF
BRKY08465C104Berkshire Hathaway (BRK) Yield Shares Purpose ETF
MSFY59516H105Microsoft (MSFT) Yield Shares Purpose ETF
YNVD654938109NVIDIA (NVDA) Yield Shares Purpose ETF
YTSL88161X107Tesla (TSLA) Yield Shares Purpose ETF
PABF74639A101Purpose Active Balanced Fund
PACF74639B109Purpose Active Conservative Fund
PAGF74639C107Purpose Active Growth Fund
PBI74640J109Purpose Best Ideas Fund
PBI.B74640J208Purpose Best Ideas Fund - Non-Currency Hedged
BTCY74642T105Purpose Bitcoin Yield ETF
BTCY.B74642T204Purpose Bitcoin Yield ETF - Non-Currency Hedged
BTCY.U74642T303Purpose Bitcoin Yield ETF - Non-Currency Hedged USD
BNC74641F106Purpose Canadian Financial Income Fund
RPS74642D100Purpose Canadian Preferred Share Fund
PRP74641W109Purpose Conservative Income Fund
PDF74639Y109Purpose Core Dividend Fund
RDE74642L102Purpose Core Equity Income Fund
CROP74643L101Purpose Credit Opportunities Fund
CROP.U74643L200Purpose Credit Opportunities Fund - Non-Currency Hedged USD
PRA74639Y406Purpose Diversified Real Asset Fund
PDIV74640V102Purpose Enhanced Dividend Fund
PAYF74642M100Purpose Enhanced Premium Yield Fund
ETHY74642R109Purpose Ether Yield ETF
ETHY.B74642R208Purpose Ether Yield ETF - Non-Currency Hedged
ETHY.U74642R307Purpose Ether Yield ETF - Non-Currency Hedged USD
IGB74642H101Purpose Global Bond Class
BND74641B105Purpose Global Bond Fund
FLX74643C101Purpose Global Flexible Credit Fund
FLX.B74643C200Purpose Global Flexible Credit Fund - Non-Currency Hedged
FLX.U74643C309Purpose Global Flexible Credit Fund - Non-Currency Hedged USD
PINV74641A107Purpose Global Innovators Fund
KILO74642E306Purpose Gold Bullion Fund
KILO.B74642E108Purpose Gold Bullion Fund - Non-Currency Hedged
KILO.U74642E207Purpose Gold Bullion Fund - Non-Currency Hedged USD
MJJ74641T106Purpose Marijuana Opportunities Fund
PIN74639Y307Purpose Monthly Income Fund
PINC74641M101Purpose Multi-Asset Income Fund
PMM74640H103Purpose Multi-Strategy Market Neutral Fund
PYF74641L103Purpose Premium Yield Fund
PYF.B74641L202Purpose Premium Yield Fund - Non-Currency Hedged
PYF.U74641L301Purpose Premium Yield Fund - Non-Currency Hedged USD
PHR74640L104Purpose Real Estate Income Fund
SBT74641C103Purpose Silver Bullion Fund
SBT.B74641C202Purpose Silver Bullion Fund - Non-Currency Hedged
SYLD74641N109Purpose Strategic Yield Fund
RTA74642G103Purpose Tactical Asset Allocation Fund
PHE74639Y208Purpose Tactical Hedged Equity Fund
PHE.B74640M102Purpose Tactical Hedged Equity Fund - Non-Currency Hedged
RTT74640U104Purpose Tactical Thematic Fund
PBD74639Y505Purpose Total Return Bond Fund
PUD74640K106Purpose U.S. Dividend Fund
PUD.B74640K205Purpose U.S. Dividend Fund - Non-Currency Hedged
RPU74641R100Purpose U.S. Preferred Share Fund
RPU.B74641R308Purpose U.S. Preferred Share Fund - Non-Currency Hedged
RPU.U74641R209Purpose U.S. Preferred Share Fund - Non-Currency Hedged USD

Purpose’s Canadian-listed ETFs holding international assets, Purpose Emerging Markets Fund, Purpose International Dividend Fund and Purpose International Tactical Hedged Equity Fund will continue their existing T+2 settlement cycle until further notice.

See below a detailed timeline of the T+1 transition.

 Friday May 24, 2024Monday May 27, 2024Tuesday May 28, 2024
ETFs with Canadian/U.S. Underlying AssetsFinal trade date for T+2 SettlementFirst trade date for T+1 SettlementT+1 Settlement on all trades
Double settlement date
ETFs with International Underlying AssetsT+2 Settlement on all tradesT+2 Settlement on all tradesT+2 Settlement on all trades

The transition from T+2 to T+1 settlements will be implemented in accordance with regulatory requirements and market standards. Purpose will work closely with its partners, clients, and regulatory bodies to ensure a smooth and seamless transition process.

For more information about Purpose Investments and its transition to T+1 settlements, please visit www.purposeinvest.com or contact our operations team at operations@purposeinvest.com.

About Purpose Investments

Purpose Investments Inc. is an asset management company with more than $19 billion in assets under management. Purpose Investments has an unrelenting focus on client-centric innovation and offers a range of managed and quantitative investment products. Purpose Investments is led by well-known entrepreneur Som Seif and is a division of Purpose Unlimited, an independent technology-driven financial services company.

Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with investment fund investments. Please read the prospectus and other disclosure documents before investing. Investment funds are not covered by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government deposit insurer. There can be no assurance that the full amount of your investment in a fund will be returned to you. If the securities are purchased or sold on a stock exchange, you may pay more or receive less than the current net asset value. Investment funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.

The content of this document is for informational purposes only, and is not being provided in the context of an offering of any securities described herein, nor is it a recommendation or solicitation to buy, hold or sell any security. Information contained in this document is not, and under no circumstances is it to be construed as, an offering memorandum, prospectus, advertisement or public offering of securities. No securities commission or similar regulatory authority has reviewed this information and any representation to the contrary is an offence. Information contained in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable, however, we cannot guarantee that it is complete or current at all times. The information provided is subject to change without notice.

If the securities are purchased or sold on a stock exchange, you may pay more or receive less than the current net asset value. Investment funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.
