It comes with a big announcement that Amazon decided in early 2024 to do what many rumors and experts predicted already years in the past, the move to digital assets and cryptocurrencies. During exclusive pre-sale partner offers, such as known brands like Coinmarketcap and Cointelegraph the first stage has been launched to buy AMZ Tokens at the price of 1 USD per 1 AMZ Token. These tokens can be held within their own Amazonwallet app and they can be exchanged or sold at any time. One of the main purposes for these tokens will be buying products on Amazon cheaper and saving some transaction or shipping fees on certain products.
Amazon is expanding into a digital marketplace which will also be expected to launch within the next few months. On the marketplace artists and creators in general can offer and sell their digital products such as NFTs. We had these rumors of NFTs within Amazon already last Summer and this brings more clarification on being a main part of their plans.
While there is already strong news for cryptocurrencies in general such as the ETFs or the expected halving this one gives a solid point that even mainstream, casual customers can be interested in crypto investments, as these tokens are protected by the Amazon infrastructure and it is unlikely to expect any shutdown of this project, which is an issue most projects face. Amazon plans to run the digital token concept for a longer time and it is expected to cause significant price action during all release stages, with this pre-sale being the first one.