Stipe Lozina, a talented indie author hailing from the picturesque landscapes of Croatia, is thrilled to unveil his meticulously crafted release schedule for 2024 and beyond. After a brief hiatus from the limelight, Lozina returns with a bang, promising his dedicated readers a plethora of captivating tales to devour.
In a recent statement addressing concerns over his temporary absence, Lozina poetically remarked, "When a pen is consistently used, no words are needed." This sentiment encapsulates his unwavering commitment to his craft, which has been evident in the expansive distribution of his literary works.
The focal point of Lozina's upcoming endeavors revolves around the much-anticipated rebranding of his acclaimed "Revenge of the Past" series. With the fifth installment, "Drops of Blood," slated for release in Q4 of 2024, Lozina has taken the prudent step of revisiting and enhancing the preceding four installments. Readers can expect revamped editions that breathe new life into this gripping saga, ensuring a seamless transition into the latest chapter of the narrative.
Additionally, fans of the riveting "Revenge of the Past - Casefiles" subseries will rejoice at the announcement of its expansion. "A Trail of Madness," the eagerly awaited second installment, is scheduled for a summer release in Q2/Q3 of 2024, promising to deliver another dose of mystery and intrigue.
Furthermore, Lozina divulged plans for the reissue of the third book in the "Forrester Chronicles" series, titled "Secrets." This meticulously re-edited edition will continue the saga of Thomas Forrester, setting the stage for what promises to be an electrifying conclusion in 2025.
Despite minor delays, Lozina remains steadfast in his commitment to providing his audience with top-quality content. The paperback release of his latest novel, "Innocent," is set to hit shelves this May, accompanied by an extensive expansion of its distribution channels. Additionally, fans can anticipate the potential release of the second volume in 2024, pending the completion of its drafting process.
Perhaps the most awaited announcement comes in the form of the long-awaited sequel to "Echoes of the Past" from "Our Story." Scheduled for release in the fourth quarter of 2025, this sequel will be preceded by a standalone book settled under the "Our Story - Expansions" subseries, slated for publication in the first quarter of the following year.
As Lozina invites readers to join him on this extraordinary journey, he urges them to stay connected through his social media channels. A comprehensive marketing campaign launching in May will offer fans exclusive insights, behind-the-scenes peeks, and opportunities to engage directly with the author himself.
For media inquiries, review copies, or interview requests, please contact:
Name: Stipe Lozina
Social Media: @AuthorStipeLozina (Facebook, Instagram, X, TikTok)