Youth culture marketing expert Daniel Gallagher has first-hand knowledge and experience of Millennials and Gen Z’s fascination with Japanese culture. His agency capitalizes on the interest of these generations and helps connect them with brands in Japan and the US that are looking to build a cross-cultural connection.
You’ll need a little background first to understand how youth worldwide became interested in Japan and its entertainment culture. Read on to learn how Japanese entertainment caught the world’s imagination.
How Anime and Manga Found New Audiences
Anime and manga came into existence in the mid-20th century, gaining in popularity among Japanese youth in the early 1960s. It eventually found its way to countries worldwide, but only some knew about its existence due to the difficulty of finding books and related media.
That meant knowledge of Japanese pop culture was once restricted to the import sections of book and record stores, creating a bit of mystery around manga and anime. That all changed when the internet broke down physical barriers, enabling the curious to learn more about Japanese entertainment. Anime titles such as Pokemon and Sailor Moon came to shores around the globe, capturing the imagination of the youth like nothing else had.
Anime Helped Japan Become Larger Than Itself
What was once a limited form of entertainment became something that enthralled readers and viewers from all walks of life. Japan, a country that saw its economy stall after flying high for most of the 1980s, underwent a kind of renaissance as young people flocked to anime, manga, and Japanese pop music. Pokemon was the first title to attract the attention of the Millennial generation. Still, the interest in Japanese culture via its animation and comics has always attracted worldwide attention.
Why Millennials and Gen Z are Fascinated With Japanese Pop Culture
Anime and its related media go to places where Western animation and comic books don’t. Combine that with the unique style and care put into the artwork, and you get something that’s both relatable and fascinatingly foreign at the same time. The discovery of Japanese pop culture caught the minds of millions of young people while also introducing them to Japanese culture as a whole. Japan’s pop culture exports continue to draw young people to the country for a first-hand look at the land that continues to create incredible stories, music, and artwork.
How Daniel Gallagher is Connecting Western Markets with Japan
Daniel Gallagher has seen first-hand how Japanese pop culture has been exported around the world and has made it a part of his youth culture marketing business. His travels between Hawaii and Japan and his understanding of both cultures have given him a unique perspective for positioning his clients in both markets. Daniel connects brands with the youth culture through influencers and other marketing avenues. Contact him today to learn more about how he can put his unique skill sets to work for you.