Can You Get Fired For Going To Rehab? A New Resource is Released by Find Addiction Rehabs to Provide Answers

Published February 7, 2023
Boca Raton, Florida -

Boca Raton, FL based Find Addiction Rehabs (FAR) has recognized a need for more information on keeping a job while undergoing treatment for addiction. The organization has published new resources that aim to shed more light on the subject, and all are freely available on its official website.

Find Addiction Rehabs says many do not realize that they have job protection while attending addiction treatment. Given the stigma surrounding addiction and recovery, it is common for people in this situation to be concerned that any step they take to seek professional help would make it more likely for them to lose their jobs. Fortunately, the organization says that there are legal protections in place to give working individuals the opportunity to start their road to recovery without the threat of unemployment looming over their heads.

A man packs up his things at work because he did not know how to protect his job while attending rehab: use Find Addiction Rehabs to avoid his fate

One of the organization’s resources states, “The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) was signed into law in 1993, and since then has been providing job protection for individuals who are in need of medical care that will take them away from their work.”

It continues, “While this leave will be unpaid, not having to worry about being fired for getting the help you need can make your recovery process much easier and far less stressful. The United States Department of Labor states that a person may take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave in order to make reasonable accommodations for their or a loved one’s healthcare needs.” The FMLA provides protection for those seeking help with behavioral and mental health disorders, and substance abuse disorders qualify as such. Find Addiction Rehabs adds that it is common for people to use FMLA for rehab, so this is hardly a new proposition. Notably, the protection is still available for those who need to undergo rehab again in the future due to relapse, so they may take this leave again if required. There are certain conditions, however, that determine who qualifies for protection under the FMLA, and these conditions are covered in FAR’s resources as well.

The organization’s next release aims to help those who experience a crash following excessive substance abuse, such as occurs with meth. Whether the crash takes place at work or home, the resource examines the best measures to take following such usage — and how to find an effective treatment for withdrawals as well as set a foundation for lasting recovery. More info on the crash following a meth binge is available in the online resource.

It says, “For many people who struggle with substance abuse, the process of coming down off their drug of choice is a struggle. Your body will crave the substance more than anything else. If you cave into these cravings on days two and three, you will miss out on the opportunity to make it to that one-week mark when some of the intense cravings pass. A rehab facility allows you to rest assured that you will not go back out in search of more crystal meth or other forms of stimulant drugs. You will be monitored by a team of skilled doctors who can do their best to keep you comfortable during your comedown period.”

Treatment will typically begin in this manner, helping the patient get through the withdrawal stage as safely and comfortably as possible. A treatment center’s next steps will often depend on the nature of the patient in question, and they will have already assessed whether the case involves a psychological or physical dependence, whether there is a mental health component (such as depression), and so on. FAR says those who undergo a meth comedown may also present with other health problems, including nutritional deficiencies, and these would have to be taken into account as well.

Find Addiction Rehabs’s final resource on the topic explores how long meth stays in the system and what an individual can do to ensure they will be able to pass a drug test. The organization explains, “Regardless of the ‘why’ behind your testing, knowing what to expect for these tests and what kind of drug screening methods are going to be used can help you prepare yourself better. While a urine drug test is usually the preferred way of detecting meth use, blood, hair, and oral drug tests may also be administered depending on the situation. Should you fail a test even after reading our article, we maintain the best defense for a positive drug test is honesty and a solid plan for treatment!” See more here: Passing A Drug Screen For Methamphetamines.

Find Addiction Rehabs exists to help people locate their nearest rehab centers and seek help for their specific needs. The organization operates a 24-hour rehab hotline for meth and other substances, and all are welcome to get in touch if they need more assistance.


For more information about Find Addiction Rehabs, contact the company here:

Find Addiction Rehabs
Hotline Representative
Find Addiction Rehabs
2499 Glades Rd
Suite 311B
Boca Raton, FL 33431

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