Traveling With Vintage Film Cameras: Equipment & Techniques Guide Released

Published April 17, 2024

In addition to storage tips, the latest guide explores product recommendations and offers readers advice on accessories and selecting the ideal type of film for the pictures they are planning to take at their destination.

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Although vintage cameras are typically durable, Old Time Focus says that readers must take some considerations into account when traveling with them, as they lack certain features of digital cameras. The guide suggests readers first choose a model that is lightweight and durable, such as the Agfa Record III, Graflex XLWA, or Horseman VH. The camera can be stored in a dedicated camera bag, but travelers may also use a backpack as long as there is adequate padding to cushion the device.

Cleaning supplies are necessities for travel, as they are paramount to keeping the camera lens clear. Photographers can also consider bringing other accessories on their trip, depending on the type of photos they want to take; for example, tripods are useful pieces of equipment for long exposures and self-portraits. Additionally, photographers can boost the accuracy of their exposures with a light meter, and Old Time Focus notes that certain smartphone apps can be used as a budget-friendly alternative to physical equipment.

For film, Old Time Focus says that color negative and slide film are ideal for vibrant colors, but photographers who are not concerned with color can instead opt for black and white film. Additionally, readers traveling to sunny destinations should take film with an ISO no higher than 200; those who intend to take pictures in locations with variable weather conditions should instead use ISO 400 or 800 film rolls, as low-light areas require higher film sensitivity.

Regardless of their choice, all types of film are sensitive to impact, extreme temperatures, and humidity, and photographers must take extra care to store them appropriately for the climate. Old Time Focus notes that film rolls may also be damaged by X-ray scanners at airports, so readers should consider storing them in a lead-lined bag for added protection. Otherwise, travelers can pack their camera supplies into a carry-on bag and request a hand inspection at security.

Interested photographers can read additional travel and storage tips by visiting

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