London Bikini DAA Hip Replacement: Short Hospital Stay & Rehabilitation Updated

Published November 23, 2023

The MSK Doctors private hospital in London has announced several new options for patients in need of a total hip replacement, which use the latest surgical techniques and procedures to help patients recover faster, shorten their hospital stay, and reduce their scarring.

More information about MSK Doctors in London, advances in total hip replacement surgery, and the benefits of the new Bikini operation can be found at

With the latest updates, patients can now choose from several hip replacement techniques, which each offer unique benefits and drawbacks. The latest technique, known as the Bikini operation, allows patients to begin walking with crutches nearly immediately after their surgery by minimizing the damage to nearby muscles, tendons, and blood vessels.

After a total hip replacement surgery, patients would traditionally be required to spend 2 to 4 days recovering in the hospital, before being allowed to return home. However, with the new Bikini technique, MSK Doctors specialists have allowed most patients to return home the day after their surgery.

Since this new surgical procedure significantly reduces trauma caused during the operation, it has also been shown to reduce blood loss and the risk of post-operative blood clots. This new technique may also provide long-term benefits related to the healing process, and many patients have shown that they can return to normal activities, such as driving, within a single month after the operation.

While there are several benefits associated with this new technique, the MSK Doctors Hospital has highlighted one potential drawback seen in clinical trials. Research suggests that this new procedure shows significantly improved results when performed by an experienced specialist, and may have an increased risk of complications when performed by an inexperienced surgeon.

MSK Doctors has several surgical experts on staff, specializing in both the Bikini and SPAIRE hip replacement techniques. Patients can schedule a consultation with a specialist to discuss their options, and which operation best suits their individual needs.

The MSK Doctors Hospital does not use waiting lists and never requires a referral from a GP, so patients can schedule their own appointments either online, or over the phone.

More information about the Bikini total hip replacement technique, the SPAIRE total hip replacement technique, and a comparison of the two options by an MSK Doctors specialist can be found at

MSK Doctors

MSK House London Road
Silk Willoughby, Sleaford, Lincolnshire

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