Doodle Dog Breeds: Personality, Behavioral Traits & Nutrition Info Site Launched

Published February 15, 2024

The newly formed online community of doodle dog enthusiasts features extensive guides to each dog breed that can be created with poodle parentage. These helpful owners' guides provide information on each dog's personality, behavioral traits, associated health concerns, and costs, as well as a fascinating history of the selected doodle dog breed.

Further information is available at

Doodle dogs are fast outpacing pure dog breeds in the US as the preferred pet of choice. According to research by a sizable national insurance company, the ownership of dogs whose parentage includes one or more poodle breeds has increased by 160% since 2016. The doodles' personalities as fun, loveable, and energetic, combined with their significantly lower tendency to shed, make them a popular choice for a family pet, explains Doodle Dogs Utopia.

"By cross-breeding poodles with other dog breeds, a more diverse gene pool is created. This can mitigate the health conditions associated with certain breeds and often makes for a much happier, well-adjusted pet than the traditional pure breeds," says Doodle Dogs Utopia's founder, Laura Ellsworth. "Our community celebrates these fun-loving dogs and offers support for both seasoned doodle owners and newbies with inspiring stories and owners' tips."

Laura, who owns two doodle dogs--Coco, a standard poodle, and Tweety, a mini goldendoodle (a poodle mixed with a golden retriever)--has been instrumental in creating the owners' guides to each doodle dog breed, which can be accessed through the Doodle Dogs Utopia community hub.

Successful breeding has created a great variety of doodle dogs, from the small doxiepoos (dachshund and poodle cross) to the larger rottle or rotti-poo (a rottweiler poodle mix). Each cross-breed will have its own dominant personality traits, energy levels, and care requirements, explains Laura.

For more information, visit Doodle Dogs Utopia at

The Doodle Dogs Utopia breed guides offer prospective owners the opportunity to learn about the needs of each dog type in advance. Those considering a pug-a-poo (pug and poodle mix), for example, are advised to look out for respiratory issues often associated with flat-nosed dogs. As a smaller breed, pug-a-poos may also require more dental treatments and have some joint issues. Guidance for how to care for and prevent these health concerns from occurring is detailed in the owners' guides.

Those interested in learning more about the doodle dog community are encouraged to visit Doodle Dogs Utopia at

Doodle Dogs Utopia

3435 E Thousand Oaks Blvd.
Suite 6764
Thousand Oaks
United States

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