With access to gambling having expanded dramatically within the past few years, LifeTime Recovery is updating its partial hospitalization gambling addiction treatment programs, offering more options to individuals who would prefer not to reside at the facility.
For more information, please visit https://lifetimerecoverycenter.com/programs/gambling-addiction/
The latest announcement highlights a marked increase in gambling, particularly among younger people. A 2021 survey conducted by British Columbia's McCreary Centre Society showed that young adults in their early 20s are the fastest-growing group of gamblers, with many more people starting at earlier ages.
As a chronic relapse disorder, gambling addiction requires clinical care to be treated, and LifeTime Recovery offers such care at their facilities. They recommend their partial hospitalization programs (PHPs) for individuals who want to minimize disruptions to their daily lives. Clients in a PHP will receive rehab services for up to eight hours each day but are free to spend their evenings at home or attending to obligations, reducing the costs associated with lodgings and 24-hour supervision from medical professionals. Because PHPs are effective at treating mental health issues, they can also be used to manage any co-occurring disorders that may arise during a patient's treatment.
With LifeTime Recovery's PHPs, an addiction and mental health specialist will evaluate the patient's risk for relapse and provide them with daily individual therapy, which will address situational stressors, social challenges, mental health issues, and environmental factors that spur addiction. Clients may also choose to take part in group therapy to connect with others in a similar position and increase their own chances of recovery. Additionally, the rehab center offers intensive skill-building sessions that teach patients the best practices for resisting the urge to gamble.
Because LifeTime Recovery believes in addressing the root causes of addiction, many of their treatment programs will also include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), which focuses on examining and changing unhealthy behaviors. Clients receiving CBT will learn how to recognize their own negative rationalizations and develop long-term coping mechanisms that don't involve gambling.
LifeTime Recovery is one of the few addiction treatment facilities in New Jersey that has dedicated programs for gambling addiction. The expansion of their services goes in line with their philosophy of treating such disorders at their roots.
Interested parties can learn more by visiting https://lifetimerecoverycenter.com/
LifeTime Recovery
124 Bridgeton Pike