As we gaze out of our windows into the summer haze, one question plagues many of us: “Is this rampant hay fever the new norm?” This is a reality that many are grappling with as climate change continues in the form of soaring temperatures, an increased incidence of wildfires, and amplified pollution levels.
Approximately 40 million people in the UK live in areas where the air quality is potentially harmful Moreover, over 13 million people in the UK suffer from hay fever (allergic rhinitis), and it seems this number has been increasing. In part this is attributed to the changing climate. 2023 has seen one of the most severe hay fever seasons in history.
Global heating
As temperatures rise, the formation of ground-level ozone intensifies. This worsens air quality, exacerbating hay fever symptoms. In addition, droughts are becoming more commonplace due to climate change. These also stir up particulate matter, leading to more severe hay fever seasons.
Yet in places where air pollution can be improved, the effects are significant. In 2020 alone, reductions in air pollution in the U.S. prevented over 230,000 premature deaths and averted millions of lost workdays.
Not every country has followed the advice for reducing air pollution and improving air quality. Staying indoors does not always help. Outdoor pollutants, like ozone and particulate matter, can infiltrate homes, impacting on indoor air quality. This, combined with common indoor allergens like dust mites and mould, can exacerbate conditions for hay fever sufferers.
Air purifiers
The characteristic symptoms of allergic rhinitis are: rhinorrhoea (excess nasal secretion), itching, sneezing fits, and nasal congestion and obstruction. To help address the causes, air purifiers can offer a solution, helping to filter out harmful chemicals, dust, pet dander, and mould spores. For hay fever sufferers, such devices can alleviate symptoms.
Digital Journal have heard about an innovation from DH Lifelabs who are developing innovative air purifiers using plasma and hypochlorous Acid technologies. This combination promises superior air filtration capabilities, including the trapping airborne particles as small as 0.003 microns.
High-quality air purifiers is one step, but regulatory initiatives, partnership programs, individual actions, and the deployment of advanced technology are required.
Health and productivity Seeking cleaner air is part of the fight to improve health, productivity, and the future of the planet. The new normal can be confronted.