This is a television production of “Love Never Ends” presented by Hantini Productions, Inc. and it will consist of two sessions, one at 11 a.m. in the morning, and an afternoon session at 3 p.m. This is a live event that is recorded specifically for television, where the acclaimed medium will enlighten his audiences on the after death communication process, and he will simultaneously prove that “love never ends.” This will mark the first episode of what may be a whole series of seasons. In addition, Hansen’s new book entitled Windows without Walls will be released at this event.
At this event, his guests will be afforded the opportunity to witness this process, along with a chance to receive a direct reading from Hansen himself. As a “thank you” for his fans and audience members, Hansen will be giving away his meditation CD for free, and all of these CDs will be distributed at the door.
Digital Journal’s interview with international lecturer, psychic and medium, Robert E. Hansen may be seen by clicking here.
For more information on this Adelphi University event, or to obtain tickets, click here.
To learn more about Robert E. Hansen, visit his official homepage.