SSG McNaughton, a New York City police officer and an army reservist, was killed in action (KIA) by sniper fire while guarding prisoners at a camp in Iraq. This American hero made the ultimate sacrifice for our country at age 27.
This tribute event takes place from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Mulcahy’s Pub and Concert Hall in Wantagh. It raises awareness and support for the veterans and service members who incurred a physical or mental injury, illness, or wound, in their military service.
Over 50,000 people have paid homage to SSG McNaughton by attending this tribute event for the past 14 years. Their goal is to make the Crystal Anniversary (15 years) their biggest year yet.
The following musical acts will be providing entertainment for the evening: Drop Dead Sexy Band, Matt Wahl and the 90’s group Plunge and the New York Shields Pipes & Drums, among others.
A $20 donation goes to supporting the PTSD Veterans Association of Northport, Inc., as well as the James McNaughton Foundation, and many other local charities.
For more information on the 15th annual tribute to James McNaughton, or to obtain tickets, check out its Facebook page.
To learn more about the life and legacy of James McNaughton, visit his official homepage.