This new law requires that consumers must be at least 21 years old to buy tobacco products, including e-cigarettes.
“We are proud to once again be at the forefront of the nation in tobacco prevention and control,” said Hawaii’s Director of Health Virginia Pressler. “While our comprehensive approach to addressing tobacco use in Hawaii has led to quantifiable decreases in deaths due to smoking, an increase in targeted marketing to our youth and young adults and new technology in the form of e-cigarettes requires our state to take additional measures to protect our young people.”
Based on the new law, any establishment caught selling tobacco products to persons under the age of 21 can be fined anywhere from $500 to $2,000, after a three month grace period for adjustments.
In addition to officials who are excited about the newest measures to keep young people from developing an unhealthy addiction, several military bases in Hawaii expressed their support of the move.
“We see it as a fitness and readiness issue,” said Bill Doughty, spokesman for the Navy Region Hawaii. “When we can prevent sailors from smoking or using tobacco, if we can get them to quit, then that improves their fitness and readiness, and it saves them a ton of money too.”
While Hawaii is the first state in the US to raise the smoking age to 21, more than 100 cities already enforce this smoking age.