It was started by the late Jack Nathan, who was affectionately known as “Happy Jack.” He created that virtual community and its art apparel products as a safe haven for the children that are struggling with mental illness. As a result, he was able to help himself, and Nathan was able to ease his anxiety via painting and design and by loving and helping others. His family is keeping his legacy alive via “Happy Jack’s World.”
Although he struggled in his short life, he was able to persevere. His community is about persevering and conveying that message especially to the millions of people that are affected by mental illness.
This line of apparel and accessories depicts whimsical images in different shapes and forms. The motto of “Happy Jack’s World” deals with “living life to the fullest”; moreover, it is about understanding the notion that it is unrealistic to be happy all of the time. It’s owning who you are and being brave enough to share that. It’s coloring outside of the lines in a free and liberating fashion. It’s knowing that anxiety and depression, and any other struggle, is real and not letting it define you.
His online community is about acknowledging that people can persevere in the face of adversity. His passing was not related to mental illness.
Alas, Jack Nathan passed away on July 13, 2020, at the age of 19, but he has made a lasting impact with “Happy Jack’s World.”
To learn more about “Happy Jack’s World,” check out its official website and its Facebook page and its Instagram page.