Bestselling author Stacy Lee chatted with Digital Journal’s Makos Papadatos about her book “Never in a Billion.”
Book description
What if your soulmate was off-limits? As a young teenager, Maggie Thatcher’s lifestyle left much to be desired; her low self-esteem and rebellious attitude were her signature characteristics.
After getting into her fair share of trouble, Maggie found herself sentenced to community service hours at Wells Valley Cove and Retirement Center in Wells, Maine, where she was introduced to a young man who forever changed her life. During her time at WVC, Maggie encountered countless individuals whose stories influenced her to thrive and mature in ways she never quite expected.
Now Maggie is a successful career woman who has everything she has ever wanted. Everything that is, except the one man she desires. As Maggie gets a front-row seat into the lives of people she once knew as strangers, Maggie learns that we are all connected in one way or another – even in ways, we could never imagine.
“Never in a Billion cleverly intermingles the love stories of several generations into a cohesive timeline. As you near the novel’s end and multiple tales begin to come full circle, prepare to feel delightfully in awe of the characters’ bonds – of friendship, romance, or otherwise – and appreciative of the significance of human connection.” Libybet R. G., Copy Editor, Red Adept Editing
Background on Stacy Lee
Stacy Lee is the author of The Nubble Light Series. She is a lifelong resident of New England. Stacy lives in New Hampshire with her incredibly supportive husband, two beautiful children, and two well-loved (spoiled) rescue pups. She enjoys spending time in the beautiful and historic town of York Beach, Maine with her family. The Nubble Lighthouse holds a special place in her heart.
Your rather brilliant book ‘Never in a Billion’ recently hit the bestseller list, which is an amazing accomplishment. What was that like for you as an author?
It was a dream come true! The simple notion that people are enjoying this book and falling in love with the characters fills me with so much joy.
‘Never in a Billion’ offers all the things, including a compelling story, intriguing characters, exquisite descriptiveness, and raw energy that takes hold of readers from beginning to end. What inspired you to tell this story, a story that has been such a big hit with readers and reviewers?
Never in a Billion just might be my favorite book in the Nubble Light Series. When I created the fictional Wells Valley Cove and Retirement Center, the main setting for this book, my main goal was to begin to weave in characters (past and present) in an effort to begin to show the connections that exist between these characters. The idea of Westly Young and his relationship to WVC came about based on my husband and his story.
When he was younger, his parents would send him to Hollywood, Florida to live with his grandfather for the summer. By the age of fourteen, he could hold his own in any card game, but I also believe his personality and his old soul originated from those days with his elderly friends in Hollywood, Florida.
I began to wonder if other people experienced things like this during childhood, and if that was the case, what would have happened if they met someone during that experience and what sort of friendship could have transpired?
‘Never in a Billion’ is part of your Nubble Light Series, and writing a series is not for the faint of heart. Did you start out intending to write a series? Can you tell our readers what the experience was like for you?
Yes! When I began writing the Hundredth Time Around, I had every intention of writing a series. The multigenerational aspect of the series leaves a lot of room for characters to weave in and out of each other’s stories. I love coming up with ideas and backstories for each character. When it comes to the plot twist and turns, these ideas come to me out of nowhere. I will be driving, or taking a shower, and BAM! I have these ideas and bursts of possible plot twists and I get so excited.
If you could somehow have a drink or dinner with any of the fantastic characters in this book, which one would you choose? And why?
Gwendoline Ellis from the Hundredth Time Around. She is truly an inspiration and understands what it is like to have to put herself first, even when it means going against the norm.
While writing this book or the series did you learn anything new about yourself?
Yes! While writing this book I learned a lot about myself. While creating the character arc of Maggie Thatcher I learned that I too, have often struggled with the need to live up to a certain expectation, and have pulled myself out of the idea of being “perfect” and have realized that there is more to life than following the rules and doing what’s expected, but it is also about standing firm in what I believe it. When I do that, just like Maggie, everything else seems to fall into place.
I’m sure your fans are wondering if you are working on bringing another story to life. Do you have a book in the works you can tell us about?
Yes! I am working on book four of the Nubble Light Series. It is titled Ten Percent of my Heart. It is about a female character named Tessa Walker. Tessa landed her dream job as an elementary school guidance counselor.
She was making significant strides with students, especially with a first-grader named Beckett (Bex) who struggled with social anxiety. She adored her job and for the first time was able to rent her own apartment. She was even slightly convinced that maybe, just maybe, a proposal from her college sweetheart was right around the corner…and then it happened.
A phone call from the local attorney on her twenty-two-minute lunch break. Bex’s mother and father were tragically killed in a plane crash. There was a will, and for a reason unbeknownst to anyone involved, she was nominated as guardian for Bex. If willing, she would be nominated as guardian.
Now, as a successful career woman in her early thirties, Tessa’s number one priority is her twelve-year-old adopted son, Bex. Gone are the days of romance, parties, and well…freedom. That is until Bex writes a personal essay about missing his real parents, and Tessa decides it best to visit York Beach in Maine where his birth parents were from.
What starts as an intervention for her son’s grief turns into so much more. Tessa is convinced that she has nothing left to give, but someone very special she is about to meet will show her that she is worthy of much more.
“Never in a Billion” by Stacy Lee is available on Amazon.