Codenamed “Operation Death Eaters”, Anonymous plans to collect, collate and publish as much information as they can find on child abuse scandals in the UK and around the world. They aim to increase awareness of “paedo-sadist” abuse.
Coming after the group’s campaign against suspected jihadist websites after the Charlie Hebdo shootings in France, it is intended to break an alleged “conspiracy of silence” involving the media, police and politicians that combine to downplay the full extent of the online child sex industry that has been able to develop in the current climate.
A Tumblr account that is promoting the campaign reads “The objective of opdeatheaters is an independent, international, victim-led tribunal/ inquiry into trafficking and paedosadist industry. What is our first step? We need meticulously researched and clearly documented examples of high level complicity in the industry, obstruction of justice and cover-ups to show the need for independent inquiries.”
A member of the group in London, known by the pseudonym “Jake Davis”, told Sky News “This isn’t a situation where we are looking to create mayhem. It’s about giving the public information so we can confront these problems that go back decades.”
Not everybody is eager to hit that the group intends to help expose the extent of child sex abuse scandals though. Some are worried that by acting in a disorganised manner, the group’s independent campaign could expose cases that authorities are already looking at, endangering victims.
Jim Gamble from CEOPS — the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre — said to Sky News “If there are people that have skills and abilities within Anonymous who actually want to do something positive to help law enforcement and others to inhibit paedophiles operating so freely online, then coming forward and working in some kind of framework would be great. But in the absence of that framework then there is the chance there could be some reckless disclosure, and from that reckless disclosure lives, and innocent lives, could be ruined.”
The group has already published videos to YouTube that promise to expose “paedo-sadists,” warning abusers that they are being hunted with the ubiquitous Anonymous catchphrase “expect us.”