Furthermore, reports Medical Daily, (MD) “38 percent have never in their lifetime met the criteria for MDD, obsessive compulsive disorder, panic disorder, social phobia, or generalized anxiety disorder, yet still take the pills that accompany them.”
While it is true that there has been a big increase in depression over the years, some argue that society has fallen into self-medicating madness. Between 1988 and 2008, antidepressant use increased a staggering 400 percent. Today, 1 in 10, or roughly 23 million people, in America are taking a regular antidepressant, mostly selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs).
It seems pills have become a quick fix to turn to in times of trouble, when psychotherapy methods, or government policies and social help might be what is needed. There are no pills for loneliness or unemployment, for example.
Though not involved in the research, Dr. Howard Forman, medical director of the Addiction Consultation Service at Montefiore Medical Center, commented on the results of the study, saying,
“We all experience periods of stress, periods of sadness, and periods of self-doubt. These don’t make us mentally ill, they define us as human.”
Led by Dr. Ramin Mojtabai, of Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, the researchers studied data over a 24 year period, beginning in 1981 and ending in 2005. The samples, came from the Baltimore Epidemiologic Catchment Area Study Wave 1, through to Wave 4.
It encompassed data from 1,071 participants, followed up by four interviews and an assessment based on current use of antidepressants. 13 percent of people reported using antidepressants, which is around the national average.
The study has been published in The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry.
“We examined the prevalence of mental disorders, assessed prospectively over multiple interviews, among individuals currently using antidepressants in a community sample,” it said.
“Conclusions: Many individuals who are prescribed and use antidepressant medications may not have met criteria for mental disorders. Our data indicate that antidepressants are commonly used in the absence of clear evidence-based indications.”
The MailOnline points out that,
“In the U.S, official guidelines say clinical depression should be diagnosed if a person has five or more depressive symptoms over a two week period, most of the day, nearly every day.”
“The symptoms include a depressed mood; a loss of interest or pleasure in activities; weight loss, weight gain or changes in appetite; insomnia or increased desire to sleep.”
“Other symptoms include restlessness or slowed behaviour; fatigue or loss of energy; feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt; difficulty making decisions or trouble concentrating, and thoughts of death or suicide.”
Dr Forman said that many people turn to drugs because other alternatives are often difficult to pursue.
“I think while psychotherapy is another option to helping people obtain better mental health, there are roadblocks,” he said.
Forman pointed to the high cost of psychotherapy, insufficient numbers of experts and the amount of time it takes, as factors inhibiting people from trying it out.
However, Natural Society website suggests that the problem is not entirely the fault of the patients. It points out that,
“An astonishing 70 percent of the panel members of psychiatric bible, known as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, reported having financial relationships with pharmaceutical companies. About 57 percent reported ties in the previous edition. This is just one reason pharmaceuticals are sweeping the nation.”