Street Fighter V, exclusive on the Playstation 4, was one the major titles that was part of Capcom’s E3 2015 showcase. It was revealed that Charlie, originally thought to have been killed, was part of Street Fighter V’s playable roster.
Capcom’s special E3 trailer for Street Fighter V revealed the addition of Cammy and Birdie.
Birdie’s return is very surprising because he hasn’t appeared in a Street Fighter-related after Street Fighter Alpha 3 was released in 1998. It was likely that Birdie faded into obscurity with other characters afterward since Sodom and R. Mika also have not appeared as playable characters in a fighting game.
Karin appeared in NAMCO X Capcom, but it’s a role-playing title and not a fighting game title.
What is more surprising is Birdie’s “new appearance,” where he definitely let go.
It leaves one wondering, what the f—k was Birdie doing after Street Fighter Alpha 3?
Joining him is Cammy, which isn’t surprising because she is one of the most popular characters in the franchise. It also helps Cammy that she’s the second and only other female in the Street Fighter II series.
You can pre-order Street Fighter V to gain beta access.
In the recent revelation of Birdie’s surprising addition to Street Fighter V, Capcom UK posted a new “The World Warriors” video that centered on the character. Birdie originally started off as a professional wrestler and worked with Titanic Tim from Saturday Night Slam Masters.
He appeared in the Street Fighter franchise in the first title, where he ultimately lost to Ryu.
Birdie tries to join Shadaloo in Street Fighter Alpha 2 and becomes a full member in Street Fighter Alpha 3, but is dissatisfied and feels unappreciated because of his rank. This causes Birdie to make an attempt to take over the organization, but he fails.
Capcom has expressed that Street Fighter V will never be ported on the Xbox One, but it does plan a PC beta this fall.