The popular soap opera first premiered on CBS on March 23, 1987. Two of its original cast members, Emmy-nominated actors John McCook (who plays Eric Forrester) and Katherine Kelly Lang (portrayed Brooke Logan Forrester) have been on the television drama series for its entire 31-year duration. They were both also a part of its first episode ever. The show is taped in Los Angeles, California.
This past April, McCook earned a Daytime Emmy nomination for “Outstanding Lead Actor in a Daytime Drama Series” for his portrayal of Forrester patriarch, Eric Forrester. This year, it was nominated for a total of 18 Emmy awards. Bradley P. Bell serves as the executive producer and head writer of the show, which was created by his parents William J. Bell and Lee Phillip Bell.
Veteran actress Katherine Kelly Lang exclaimed on her Twitter page that she is “celebrating the 8000th episode of The Bold and The Beautiful today.” She encouraged her fans and followers to tune in to watch the show today. She went on to share how lucky she is to work with her “amazing” co-stars. “We work hard but we have so much fun,” she tweeted.
To learn more about The Bold and The Beautiful, check out the official CBS website.