The 12th and final episode of World Break: Aria of a Curse for a Holy Swordsman, titled “Beyond Two Lives,” is currently streaming on Crunchyroll and FUNimation for paid members. Free members can watch the same episode six days from now on April 5th.
A happy moment of relaxation is ultimately ruined when Moroha’s ultimate enemy, the Ancient Dragon, has followed him to his current life. This metaphysical is not a pushover as it can write spells and negate anything headed its way.
If World Break was a role-playing game, then the Ancient Dragon would be one of the end bosses.
To everybody complaining about the Ancient Dragon, remember that it is a major antagonist. Antagonists are usually supposed to be superior to the heroes in one way or another, where the Ancient Dragon has the physical attributes and intelligence.
Moroha finally gets his rematch with the Ancient Dragon.
It leads to an “oh f—k” moment as the Ancient Dragon teleports behind Satsuki and Shizuno to kill them with one breath that turns them into stone. Moroha finally remembers that they were killed by the Ancient Dragon in their past lives, which seems reminiscent of Fei and Elly’s dilemma in Xenogears.
The despair, grief, and anguish that follows is more than enough for Moroha to turn “Super Saiyan.”
Moroha is prevented from reducing the city from rubble when Shizuno and Satsuki break free from being trapped in stone, where they actually tap into their past lives. It was touching, but a bit cheesy at the same time.
He does what was not possible, combine the power of all three of his lives together.
This display of power reminds everybody on why Moroha is the star of the series in the first place.
It was a satisfying ending, where Moroha finally destroyed the Ancient Dragon.
There is an opening for a second season as Edward tells Moroha to beware of Charles Saint-Germain, the French executive of the Six Heads. Moroha already defeated Vasilisa Yuryevna Mostvaya, the Lightning Emperor, and put a stop to her plans of assassinating him.
I laugh at the fact that the relationship between Satsuki and Shizuno is similar to the relationship shared between Eriri and Utaha from Saekano: How To Raise A Boring Girlfriend.
Watching this ending makes me wonder if there will be a second season in store, but I’m satisfied with the ending if that’s not the case. I found the concept of people tapping into power from past lives to be unique, which is not often explored in fiction.
I guess I can draw comparisons with Absolute Duo, which wrapped up its first series last week. Thor Kokonoe, Absolute Duo’s protagonist, can obviously exchange notes with Moroha Haimura on the fact that they both have a harem of girls vying for their affections.
They draw their abilities from what’s internal, where Moroha uses his past lives and Thor uses his Blaze.
The relationship that Moroha shares with Satsuki and Shizuno can also be compared to The Testament of Sister New Devil, which has similar story elements. Satsuki can be compared to Mio and Shizuno can be compared to Yuuki.
I liked the story behind World Break, but it can be unnoticed because it broadcast in the same season as Absolute Duo and The Testament of Sister New Devil.
The hunting of metaphysicals in World Break isn’t really different from hunting down demons in The Testament of Sister New Devil, but I can’t choose between the two. I found World Break satisfactory, so I’ll give it an A grade.