Episode 11 of World Break, titled “The Nightmare From the Previous Life,” is currently streaming on FUNimation and Crunchyroll for paid subscribers. Free subscribers can watch the same episode six days from now on March 29th.
I broke into laughter when it was revealed that Moroha ended up changing Russia’s map, which Angela scolds him for.
It was funnier that it happened to be in a mixed sauna.
Katya makes the moment more awkward when she tries to resolve the situation by reminding the two that they shared a bed naked. She shouldn’t have said that within hearing range of Satsuki, Shizuno, and Lesya.
Lesya’s reply made me break into laughter, which I am led to believe she is prejudicial towards the English.
It leads me to believe that there is something fundamentally wrong with Satsuki and Lesya as they do the most extreme s—t to gain Moroha’s affections. I laughed as it become a battle of egos after it stopped being a battle for Moroha’s heart.
Satsuki and Lesya were obviously born to be rivals.
I busted out laughing when the two of them nearly pass out from the heat, which causes Shizuno to respond by freezing the entire sauna.
But the pleasantry is short-lived when Moroha is called to protect Russia from a Metaphysical attack.
Satsuki’s room turns into a girls’ sleepover, which I found surprising and funny. I guess nobody wanted to leave Maya alone. No girls’ sleepover is complete without the traditional pillow fight.
S—t gets intense when the sleepover is interrupted by the appearance of the Ancient Dragon, the most dangerous and powerful Metaphysical. The Ancient Dragon is revealed as being Moroha’s eternal enemy because it has killed Satsuki and Shizuno in their past lives.
I didn’t expect the episode to get intense that soon, but it perfectly sets up the fated battle between Moroha and the Ancient Dragon.