Okie, co-produced by Gill and Justin Niebank, opens with the moving “I Don’t Wanna Ride the Rails No More,” and it is followed by the harking country ballad “The Price of Regret,” as well as the haunting “Forever Changed.”
It is followed by “An Honest Man,” which is sincere and filled with raw emotions, and the catchy and soothing “What Choice Will You Make.” Other remarkable tracks include “Black and White,” “The Red Words,” and he honors his wife, Amy Grant, with the powerful piano-driven ballad “When My Amy Prays.”
“A Letter to My Mama” is a tune that is bound to move listeners to tears. Gill tips his hat to such country legends as Guy Clark and Merle Haggard with “Nothin’ Like a Guy Clark Song” and “A World Without Haggard” respectively.
Okie by Vince Gill is available on iTunes and on Spotify.
The Verdict
Overall, Vince Gill shines on his latest studio offering, Okie. It is compelling from start to finish and all 12 tracks are distinct with their own identities. Gill possesses one of the most velvet voices in the contemporary country music scene and he is not afraid to be raw and vulnerable on this project. There don’t make country music like this anymore, so congratulations to Vince Gill for a job well done. This collection deserves to sweep next year’s country categories at the Grammy Awards. Okie garners an A rating.