Most impressive about the song are its captivating and heartwarming lyrics, which were penned solely by Lori McKenna. McGraw co-produced the song with his long-time producer Byron Gallimore. It will officially be released as a single on February 1, via his record label, Big Machine Records.
Towards the end of his moving music video, McGraw thanks Oprah for sharing scenes from her groundbreaking series “Belief.”
“You know there’s a light that glows by the front door, don’t forget the key’s under the mat, childhood stars shine, always stay humble and kind, go to church ’cause your momma says to,” McGraw sings, in the opening verse.
Country music fans and listeners can check out McGraw’s new album on iTunes by clicking here.
The Verdict
Overall, Tim McGraw’s “Humble and Kind” is one of his best singles and videos in recent years. His voice is smooth and gentle. It garners 4.5 out of 5 stars.