“The Whole Night” is a touching short film directed by Micah Max Polaha.
This short movie stars Micah Max Polaha and Makenzie Pappan, and they both co-wrote the moving screenplay. Andrew Christopher and Joey Scott served as executive producers.
“The Whole Night” tackles such serious subject matters as grief, death and love and ponders what is on the other side. It is quite deep for a teenage filmmaker, and it ought to be enjoyed for its beauty, simplicity, and honesty.
The short is based on an experience that his older brother, rising artist Caleb Polaha had, and it features an original song titled “The Whole Night,” which was written and performed by Caleb; moreover, the song has a stirring acoustic vibe to it and Caleb allows his rich, rumbling voice to shine.
Caleb and Micah are both the sons of acclaimed Hallmark actor Kristoffer Polaha.
“The Whole Night” is rich in symbolism, where it underscores such themes as loss, love, cleansing, and redemption. The cinematography is quite striking. It garners two thumbs up. Bravo.