“The Family Stallone” is an entertaining and engaging new series on Paramount+, which centers on Sylvester Stallone, Jennifer (his wife) and their three daughters Sophia, Sistine, and Scarlet.
The first two episodes, “Meet the Stallones” and “The Currency of Time” aired last week on May 17. In the former episode, Sylvester, affectionately known as “Sly,” rejoins his family after months on the road shooting his new TV series. The girls plan to prank him on his birthday.
In the subsequent second episode, Sly’s daughter Sophia struggles with a relationship and turns to her family for advice.
The latest episode titled “Leaving the Nest” is available for streaming today. Scarlet can’t wait to move away to college and embrace her independence, but Jennifer is having a difficult time letting her last child go away. Sylvester’s TV shoot schedule forces him to miss a key moment in his daughter’s life.
His Golden Globe and Grammy-nominated brother, Frank Stallone, also makes appearances in this series, which are added treats. In particular, in the second episode, the girls visit their Uncle Frank’s unique apartment in an effort to get to know him better.
Thus far, “The Family Stallone” allows fans and viewers to get to know the iconic Sylvester, as well as Jennifer and their daughters on a more up-close and intimate level. It doesn’t sugarcoat their lives, and it truly humanizes them as people with real-life problems just like the rest of us, especially as the Hollywood couple struggles with becoming empty nesters.
These episodes, and this family series in general, will certainly help provide an escape for the audience. The episodes are witty and relatable. “The Family Stallone” is worth checking out, and it garners two giant thumbs up.