“The Curse of Wolf Mountain” is an engrossing horror thriller that was directed by David Lipper (“Full House” fame). Keli Price wrote the screenplay, who also stars in it as Aj.
The synopsis is: Aj begins having dreams of his parents’ death. He decides to go back to the spot where they were killed, accompanied by his brother and his brother’s family. But legend has it there is something mysterious roaming these woods.
Keli Price is convincing in the lead role, and he brings rawness and sincerity each time he graces the screen. Danny Trejo steals every scene he is in as Eddie, and
Karissa Lee Staples is delightful as Sam (she had good chemistry with David Lipper).
Genre superstar Tobin Bell (“Saw” franchise) delivers a controlled performance as Dr. Avery, while Matt Rife is witty and clever as James, thus bringing much needed comic relief.
It has a retro vibe to it, especially for audience members that enjoy suspense and thriller films from the late ’80s and early ’90s.
While parts of it may be predictable, the pacing is good, and it will keep viewers engaged.
Hopefully, this is a harbinger of more high-quality films to come from David Lipper.
The Verdict
Overall, “The Curse of Wolf Mountain” is a thoroughly entertaining horror film. The entire cast soars in their acting performances, and everybody brings something unique to the table.
It is highly recommended for fans that enjoy slasher and horror movies, especially those that enjoyed the revenge thriller “Hunt Club.”
Grab some popcorn and allow David Lipper and the rest of the cast to lure you into this high-octane time warp. “The Curse of Wolf Mountain” garners an A- rating.