This show was hosted by beloved country personality Katie Neal from NASH FM 94.7. “I am so excited for you to meet this artist,” Neal said. “Please give a warm welcome to Shane Owens,” she added.
“Thank you so much,” Owens said, following the reception of his opening song, which was country to the core. He picked up the pace with his upbeat, traditional country tune “Where I’m Comin’ From.” “Oh, thanks country,” he admitted. “We appreciate you. Thank you to everybody at NASH so much. God bless you, and thank you for your service,” he said.
The highlight song of Owens‘ set was the poignant ballad “19,” which was filled with raw emotions. “Keep it going with Shane Owens,” Neal said. “Thank you so much for coming to see us today.”
He closed his set with his witty, new single “Lie.” His vocals are reminiscent of Easton Corbin meets Alan Jackson, and that ought to be taken as a compliment.
For Owens, working with Randy Travis as a producer on his album was a “dream come true.” “He is still one of my heroes,” Owens said.
The Verdict
Overall, Shane Owens was able to bring country music to the Big Apple with his intimate, solo country set at Hackensack Meridian Health Stage 17. He deserves a round of applause for a job well done. “19” will certainly strike a chord with the military families.
His Where I’m Comin’ From album is available on iTunes.
To learn more about country star Shane Owens, check out his official website.