Both written and directed by Michael Almerryda, Experimenter stars Peter Sarsgaard in the titular role of Milgram, a man who sought answers into human obedience to authority. Through a series of tests, subjects were told to shock another subject they could not see (an actor playing hurt), increasing the voltage with each shock. The experiment was trying to find if people could displace personal blame simply because they were being asked to do something hurtful by an authoritative figure. Thought to be too stressful on its subjects, the experiments were met with strong opposition.
Touting an interesting ensemble cast including Winona Ryder, Taryn Manning, John Leguizamo and a fun piece of casting in comedian Jim Gaffigan. From the trailer, one gets a taste of comedy peppered into the deep drama, leaving the viewer wondering what the tone of the film will eventually be. Set in 1961, the look of the movie seems to capture the era solidly without coming off as kitsch or fake. This looks to be an interesting picture to say the least.
With so many movie trailers overselling a bill of goods these days, Experimenter appears to give the audience a well-directed feature with a few hints at the surreal (wait for the elephant). Everything a preview can offer with none of the reveal. Rated PG-13, but not to worry, the kids would most likely skip this one anyway. So sit down, relax, and watch the trailer for Experimenter and see if it sparks any interest for you.
Opens October 16, 2015.